Monday, December 21, 2009

Greges Muscle

(Equisetum debile Roxb.)



Place to grow open or slightly shaded, gathered in the valley of sandy soil and rocky that many flooded, along the flow of water in the mountains, river, ditch or in a swamp. These herbs can be found from 300-2700 m above sea level. Pakuan plants that grow up or grow up among other plants, height of about 1 m. The base occasionally crawling, dangling tip, the rod a little weak, hollow with a diameter of 2-10 mm, with stripes, long beruas. Craggy branches out from his books, always green with a creeping rhizome roots. Leaf out in the book, composed rocky, small, pointed, shaped scales and a thin sheath. Spores bag located in the end of the rod, a grain, 1-2,5 cm long, oval shape with a sharp edge. Leaf spores hexagon-shaped shield, stemmed, in the midst of sequential and the construction around. Propagation by spores.

Local Name:
Bibitungan, tata-ropongan (Sunda), lorogan pilgrimage, petungan,; sempol, flour basa, basa tikei, tropongan (Java),; Sodlisoan (Madura). grass betung, sendep, sendep (Sumatra);

Curable Disease:
Eye inflammation, influenza, fever, diarrhea, enteritis, hepatitis; bloody urine or defecate, swelling, bone fractures, hemorrhoids; Rheumatism;

The whole herb. Crop washed, cut into pieces as needed. Drying for storage.

- Inflammation of the red eye (acute conjunctivitis).
- Inflammation of the tear ducts (ductus lacrimalis).
- Inhibit the formation of the lining of the eye (pterygium).
- Influenza, fever.
- Diarrhea, colitis. Hepatitis.
- Bloody urine (haematuria), dysentery, menstrual blood of many.
- Urine less smoothly, swelling (edema).
- Bone fractures, rheumatism.
- Hemorrhoids (hemorrhoid).

To drink: 10-15 g dried herbs, boiled.
External use: Created parem. Used for pain in the joints, rubbed on the child to strengthen the limbs and drug injury.

1. Broken bones:
When the position of both bones, take 2 bars full of fresh herbs,
washed and then ground smooth, squeeze the salt water.
This herb is used to plaster the injured part, and then bandaged.
Replaced 2 times a day.

2. Hepatitis, hemorrhoids: 30 g herb, boiled greges muscle, drink as tea.

3. Acute conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eye:
Greges muscles, seeds boroco (Celosia argentea L.), chrysanthemum flowers
(Chrysanthemum indicum), the skin type of crickets (Cryptotympana
atrata = Cicada), each 10 g, boiled. After cold
filtered, drinks.

4. Rheumatism:
15 g of dried herbs and a tamarind (Tamarindus indica) is boiled
with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 glass. After cold
filtered, drink morning and evening, until healed.

5. Hemorrhoids:
30 g of fresh herbs greges washed muscle and soft ground.
Attach the wasirnya.

NOTE: Use long, can interfere with renal function.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Sweet, slightly bitter, neutral. Anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine (diuretics), treatment of inflammation of the eyes, eliminate wind and heat, astringent, antihemorrhoid, stop the bleeding. KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Acids grit 5% -10%, oxalic acid, malate acid, acid akonitat (equisetic acid), Tanat acid, potassium, sodium, thiaminase and saponins.

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