Monday, December 21, 2009


(Leonurus sibiricus L.)

= L. artemisia (Lour.) S. YHU. = L. heterophyllus, Sweet.

This herb grows wild in the suburbs, along the flow of water, in the bushes, sometimes planted in the garden. These plants can be found from the lowlands to 2000 m dpi. Herbaceous plant annuals, grow upright, hairy, 60-100 cm tall. Hollow stems, grooved, beruas, branching, green color. Single leaf, form menjari, jagged edge, pointed tip and the base, 4-12 cm long, 5-14 cm wide, lies opposite crossed, the color green. Flowers are arranged in quasi-contained essays on the armpit leaves. Sharp-toothed petals, white or violet color. The fruit boxes, bears 2 to 4, dark brown. Triangular seeds, small, black color. Roots roots upside. The meaning of herbs or I leonuri mu cao and is also known as the chongwei is efficacious same plant from a plant called L.sibiricus, L.heterophyllus, L.artemisia or L. Kuprian turkestanicus.

Local Name:
Padang derman, dendereman (Sunda), seranting (Sumatra). ; Ginjean, ginjeran (Java). gofu hairan roriha (Ternate),; Laranga kohori (Tidore).;

Curable Disease:
Irregular menstruation, kidney inflammation, swelling, bloody urine; Nyctalopia, eye inflammation, hypertension, vaginal discharge, late period;

The entire plant or fruit, use fresh or dried.

The whole herb:
- Menstrual irregularities (Menstrual irregularities).
- No show menstruation (amenorrhea).
- Pain during menstruation (dysmenorrhea), Menstruation too much.
- Eliminate the blood clot after delivery (post-parturn
- Inflammation of the kidneys (nephritis).
- Swelling (edema).
- Urine slightly (oliguria), bloody urine (haematuria).
- Body feels weak (General weakness).
- No fertility (infertility) in women.
- Nyctalopia, sore eyes (conjunctivitis).
- High Blood. Hardening of the arteries (arteriosclerosis).

- High blood pressure.
- Keputihan.
- Late period.

To drink:
The whole plant: 1-30 g,
seed: 5-15 g, boiled.
External use: Herba fresh after being washed clean 1alu smooth ground, or who have been powdered, placed on the ulcer and purulent inflammation of the skin.

1. Irregular menstruation, pain during menstruation, Peranakan (uterus) are not
perfect after shrunk malahirkan or after dikuret
Millettia reticulata Ginjean and each 60 g, washed and
cut into pieces as needed. Add brown sugar to taste
then boiled in 3 cups of water until the remaining 1 1 / 2 cup.
After chilling filtered, drinks. Day 2 x 3 / 4 cup.

2. Irregular menstruation, excessive menstruation, bleeding after
delivery, perfect Peranakan not shrink after giving birth:
15-20 g ginjean washed and boiled in 3 cups of water until
remaining 1 1 / 2 cup. After chilling filtered, then drunk. Day 2 x
3 / 4 cup.

3. Menstrual pain:
20 g dry ginlean and 10 g of Corydalis ambigua (hu yen so) dry
braised with 3 clean water glass until remaining 1 1 / 2 gelas.Setelah cold filtered, drinking. Day 2 x 3 / 4 cup. Drinking during menstruation.

4. Acute kidney inflammation (acute glomerulonephritis) and swelling:
180-240 g fresh after ginjean washed and boiled with
700 cc of clean water until the remaining 300 cc. After chilling filtered,
drink. Day 2 x 1 1 / 2 cup.

5. Body feels weak and infertility in women:
30-60 g fresh ginjean washed, boiled with eggs or chicken.
Having eaten cold.

6. Peluruh period:
10 g ginjean seed powder 1 cup brewed with hot water,
add 1 tablespoon of honey and stir until evenly distributed.
After a cold drink at once.

- Herba leonuri not toxic, long usage effects lidak
- Fruit-toxic. Usage as much as 30 grams can cause
poisoning in 4-6 hours. The signs of poisoning will occur in
Total of 12-48 hours after consumption of 60-140 grams.
- Symptoms of poisoning the fruit: a weak sense of the whole body, legs hard
driven, dryness and tightness in the chest. In the case of
very hard look sweat so much and weak helpless.
- Pregnant women are prohibited from using these herbs.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Herb: Bitter, spicy, cool. Circulation, making menstruation became regular, peluruh urine (diuretic), eliminate swelling and shrinking of the uterus. Fruit: Sweet, cool, poisonous. Seed: Sweet, spicy. Improve vision, menstrual peluruh (emenagog), peluruh urine (diuretic), dilate blood vessels (vasodilator). KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: 1. L.sibiricus: Leonurine, stachydrine, leonuridine, leonurinine, routine, benzoic acid, lauric acid, linolenic acid, Oleic acid, arginine, 4-guanidino-1-butanol, 4-guanidinobutytic acid, sterols, stachyose, vitamin A and potassium chloride . 2. L.heterophyllus: Leonurine A, leonurine B, stachydrine, lauric acid, Oleic acid. Fruit (Fructus Leonuri): Contains leonurinine C10 HI4 O3 N2, alkaloids I, II and Ill, Oleic acid, linoleic acid and vitamin A.

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