Monday, December 21, 2009


(Justicia gendarussa Burm. F.)

Gendarussa vulgaris Nees. Justicia dahona Buch., Ham. Justicia nigricans, Lour. Justicia salicina, Vahl.

The form of shrubs, is generally grown as live markets or grow wild in the forest, riverine or maintained as a medicinal plant. In Java grew at a height of 1 to 500 m. above sea level. Grow up, the height can reach 2 m, branching many, starting from near the base of the stem. Branches of young dark purple, and when the elderly become brown shiny color. Leaves opposite position, a single leaf with a long lancet shaped 5-20 cm in width from 1 to 3.5 cm, the edge of the flat, tapered leaf tip, base form of short-stemmed seed between 5 to 7.5 mm, dark green leaf color. Small white flowers or dice arranged in a series of panicles / ears of the furl, spread hairy armpits and out of the leaf or stem end. The fruit is elliptical. Besides the black trunked (more popular) there is also a green trunked.

Local Name:
Handarusa (Sunda), gandarusa, tetean, trus (Java),; Ghandharusa (Madura), Gandarisa (Bima), Puli (Ternate).; Iron-iron (Aceh), gandarusa (Malays).; Bo Gu and (China) .;

Curable Disease:
Injury blow (bruise), bone fractures, rheumatism, ulcer; ulcers, Scabby;

PART THAT USE: The leaves, fresh or dried.

1. Injury blow (bruise), a broken bone fracture).
2. Rheumatic joints.
3. Boils, ulcers, ulceration.

USAGE: 15 - 30 gr, braised or ground and then squeezed and drink water. Bark used to induce vomiting, the leaves can be used to kill insects.

EXTERNAL USE: crushed fresh plant, stick the place
the sakit.Tanaman fresh boiled water for washing.

1. Broken bones, ulcers:
Crushed fresh or dried mashed, mixed with
wine, vinegar to taste, to compress. Broken bones already
in the correct position and fixed.

2. Bruises, sprains, rheumatism:
15 to 30 grams of dried or 30 to 60 grams of fresh boiled drinking gandarusa

3. Bruising:
Gandarusa leaves smeared oil on the fire layukan. Attach to
the sick.

In India and Southeast Asia, used as a fever, induce vomiting, anti-rheumatism, treatment of headache, facial muscle paralysis, eczema, sore eyes and ears.

CAUTION: Pregnant women are prohibited from using this plant.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Taste spicy, slightly acidic, neutral. Circulation (Circulation promoting, Stag-nant blood dispelling), antireumatik. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Justicin, essential oils, potassium and somewhat toxic alkaloids.

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