Wednesday, December 9, 2009


(Oroxylum indicum (L.) Vent.)

Synonym: Bignonia indica L. Indica Calosanthes Bl.

Family: Bignoniaceae.

Tree height approximately 10 feet, stems erect, woody, dirty green color. Compound leaves oval, pointed tip, base obtuse, green. Compound interest, petals form a tube, crown trumpet shape. Fruit brown boxes. Part of Used Seed and bark.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Wooden sword (Minahasa); Kapung-kapung (Palembang); Pongporang (Sunda); Kajeng jaler, Wood lanang, Wungli (Java); Dhangpedhangan (Madura); Merkulai, Merulai, Merlai, Bonglai wood, wood Bolai, Boli , Boloi, Bongloi Berak, Beka kampong, Bikir, Bikir hangkap, Kankatang, lunang seeds, leaves juar (Malays). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Oroxyli indici Cement; Bungli seeds. Cortex Oroxyli indici; Bungli Wooden Leather.

Curable Disease:
Somewhat characteristic sweet, bitter, cooling, and cleaning the blood. KHASIAT Beans: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antitusif. Skin kayut: Anti-inflammatory and diuretic.

-Sore throat.
-Upper abdominal pain.

-Raise your appetite.
-Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bladder.
-Perttt Hospital.

Skin roots:

Herbs and dosages
Sore throat and bronchitis
Bungli seeds 1 gram
5 grams of sugar roots
7 grams Powder
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion.

How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 4 days.

Composition: Oroksilin.

Flowers At Eight

(Turnera ulmifolia L.)

Synonym: T, subulata J. E. Smith.

Family: Turneraceae

Eight flowers found growing wild in wastelands, the edge of the water channel, and generally grows in groups. Plants originating from the West Indies can be found at an altitude of 10 to 250 m above sea level, in places exposed to direct sunlight or less protected. Erect herb with a long root of the pen is 0,3-0,8 m single leaf, elliptical oval, wedge-shaped base, pointed tip, serrated edge of the harsh, bone-pinnate leaves, having glandular, 2-7 cm long and wide 1 -4 cm. Flowers bloom around 8 o'clock in the morning and withered at around 12 noon. Flower oval shaped breech, the base brown, light yellow on top, and twisted time bud. Wide egg-shaped fruit, with seeds for more than 30. Propagation by seed.

Local Name:
NAME OF Flowers at eight, a cat's tongue (Java). NAME OF FOREIGN W. Indian holly, sage rose, holly rose (I). NAME Simplisia Turnerae ulmifoliae Folium (eight petals), Turnerae ulmifoliae Radix (root of eight flowers).

Curable Disease:
It tasted bitter, spicy, warm character. Flowers at eight nutritious tonic and blood flow. Arthritic joints accompanied by swelling, bruising swollen roots Wash fresh flowers at eight, then potongpotong necessary. Boiled with three glasses of water until the water remains one glasses. Once cool, strain, and drink twice a day, each half a glass.

Plant part used as medicine are the leaves and roots.

Leaves and roots are used to overcome:
digestive disorders, such as abdominal bloating, no appetite,
arthritic joints accompanied by swelling, swollen bruise o, and
weak after recovering from severe illness.

For drugs taken, boiled fresh leaves or roots (15 g). Once cool, strain and drink the water. For outside medicine, crushed fresh leaves to taste, add whiting (to taste), and mix well. Attach to a boil or parts of the body was swollen and discolored, and dressing.

Interest at eight o'clock one clan with damiana (Turnera diffusa), a potent herbal overcome swelling prostate (prostate hypertrophy) clan erectile dysfunction disorder.

Leaves and stems contain saponins and polyphenols. The leaves also contain flavonoids.

Flower Pagoda

(Clerodendrum japonicum [Thunb.] Sweet)

Synonym: C. kaempferi (Jacq.) Sleb., C. L. paniculatum, Volkameria japonica Thunb.

Family: Verbenaceae.

Generally, pagoda flowers planted in the garden, yard, or on the sidewalk outside the city areas as an ornamental plant. Withered shrubs, 1-3 m. high Trunk filled with fine hair. Single leaves, stemmed, where the deal. Leaf blade broad oval, base heart-shaped leaves, old leaves bercangap menjari, the length can reach 30 cm. The flowers are red compound interest, consist of small flowers that come together to form a pyramid, out of the end of the shaft. The fruit is round. Pagoda flowers can be propagated by seeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF Bali: senggugu, tumbak king. NAME OF FOREIGN He hua bao (C), pagoda flower (I). NAME Simplisia Clerodendri japonici Radix (root of the pagoda flower), Clerodendri japonici Flos (pagoda flower).

Curable Disease:
NATURE AND KHASIAT bitter roots, its cool. Pagoda flower roots potent anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine (diuretic), eliminating swelling, and destroy the frozen blood. Leaves taste sweet, sour, slightly brown, neutral in character. Leaf efficacious as anti-inflammatory and ooze pus. Sweet flowers, its warm, potent sedatives, and stop the bleeding (hemostatis).

The part used is the root, flower, and leaves. For storage, the roots must be dried.

-The root is used for treatment:
-back pain (lumbago), rheumatic pain,
-tuberculosis lung (pulmonary TB) is accompanied by coughing blood,
bleeding-hemorrhoids (haemorrhoids), dysentery (dysentery),
-difficulty sleeping (insomnia), and
bruises (bruises) due to hit something hard.

Flowers are used for the treatment of:
-enhancer of blood in anemic patients,
-hemorrhoids bleeding, and
-difficulty sleeping (insomnia).

To drug intake, 30-90 g of boiled roots or flowers. In addition, it can also be used as the root powder, then poured boiling water and drunk.

For external use only, minced fresh leaves until smooth, then Put on the boil, sore, and bruised. In addition, fresh leaves can be squeezed and the water is applied to the wounded feelings bleed.

Bleeding hemorrhoids
Cook 60 g of root or flower pagoda with cow intestine. After a cold, liquid drink and can be eaten cow intestines.

Difficulty sleeping
Dry the flowers or roots of the pagoda to taste, then milled to become powder. Take a teaspoon of this powder, and enter into a shot glass of wine sweet. Stir well and drink well at night before bed.

Ulcer, sore
Wash fresh leaves enough pagoda flowers, then milled until smooth. Add a little honey, stirring evenly. Put these ingredients in place of the sick, and dressing. Replace this concoction three times a day.

Composition: ---


(Helianthus annuus Linn.)


Family: Compositae

Annual herbs (umumya short, less than a year), erect, hairy, high 1 to 3 m, planted on the lawn and gardens that have enough sunlight, as an ornamental plant. Trunked plants including wet, heart-shaped leaves of a single, large flower / flower bowls, with a crown-shaped bands along the edge of the cup, yellow, and in the middle there are the flowers of small tube-shaped, brown color.

Local Name:
bungngong matahuroi, bungka sun, purbanegara; matoari penta flower, flowers pupil matoari, Sungeng; sarengenge flowers, kembhang mataare, bungga ledomata; sangenge flowers, kembhang tampong are; Xiang ri kui (China).;

Curable Disease:
Hypertension, headache, dental pain, menstrual pain, rheumatism; stomach pain, sore breasts, hard labor, dysentery, measles; urinary tract infections, bronchitis, cough, Keputihan, Malaria;

Whole plant. To store: dried.

Flower: high blood pressure, reduce pain in headaches,
headache, toothache, menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoe), pain
the stomach (gastric pain), inflammation of the breast (mastitis), rheumatik
(arthritis), difficult childbirth.
Seed: No. of appetite, lethargy, bloody disenteri, stimulate
expenditure rash (redness) on measles, headaches.
Roots: urinary tract infections, respiratory inflammation (bronchitis), cough
cough (pertussis), white (leucorrhoe).
Leaves: Malaria.

Marrow from stem and base rates (reseptaculum):
Gastric cancer, esophageal cancer and malignant mole. Also for
stomach pain, constipation is difficult and painful urinary (dysuria), pain away
urine in urinary tract stones, bloody urine (haematuria)
and urinary fatty ari (chyluria).

Flower: 30 - 90 gr.
Basic rate (Receptaculum): 30 - 90 gr.
Marrow from stem: 15 - 30 gr. boiled.
Roots: 15 - 30 gr.

USE OF OUTSIDE: Burned, scalded rheumatik.

Flower (Flower Head):
1. Headache:
25 to 30 grams of flowers 1 egg chicken (not resolved) 3 cups
water, boiled into 1 / 2 cup. Taken after meals, 2 times a day.

2. Inflammation of the breast (mastitis):
Head of flowers (without seeds), cut to pulp, then dried.
Once dry digongseng / roasted until charred, then
ground into powder / flour. Every time drinking 10-15 g,
sugar and white wine mixed with warm water. 3 times a day, drinking
first time to get out of sweat. (Sleep wear blankets).

3. Rheumatik:
Simmering until the flower heads into starch, attached to the

4. Dysentery:
30 gr beans brewed, then steamed for 1 hour. Once appointed,
add sugar to taste, drink.

1. Bowel difficulties and small:
15 to 30 grams will be fresh boiled, drinking.

2. Urinary tract infection:
30 g boiled fresh roots. (do not be long, when a new boil,
appointed), to drink.

NOTE: marrow from stem and flower base contains hemicellulose, which inhibits sarcoma 180 and ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice. Extracts from the marrow can destroy nitrosamines and may for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors (Tractus digestivus).

CAUTION: Pregnant women are forbidden to drink boiled flowers!

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Rasa soft, neutral. Interest: Lower blood pressure, reduce pain (analgesic). Seed: Anti dysentery, stimulate spending body fluids (hormones, enzymes, etc..), Stimulate spending measles (measles). Leaves: Anti-inflammatory, reducing pain, anti-malaria. Roots: Anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine, a cough suppressant, the relief of pain. Marrow from stem and flower basis: Stimulating the vital energy, calming the liver, stimulates the urinary excretion of water, eliminate pain at the time of urine waste. KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Flowers: Quercimeritrin, helianthoside A, B, C, oleanolic acid, echinocystic acid. Seed: Beta-sitosterol, prostaglandin E, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, phytin, 3.4-benzopyrene. In 100 g of sunflower seed oil: Fat total: 100, Saturated fat: 9.8: sources of unsaturated fats: Oleic linoleic 11.7 and 72.9, cholesterol: -.

Flower knob

(Gomphrena Linn globose.)



Annual herb, 60 cm high. or more, hair. Planted in the yard as an ornamental plant or grow wild in the fields getting enough sun to a height of approximately 1400 m. from sea level, comes from America and Asia. Reddish-green stems, hair, enlarged at the branching segments, sitting opposite leaves, stemmed, oval leaves form breech until long, with 5-10 cm long, 2-5 cm wide, tapered end of a rough-haired green on top and smooth on the bottom, white hair color. Flower bulbs form, dark red purple-colored, like a ball. (There are white).

Local Name: Flower knobs, flower puter, ratnapakaja (Indonesia); Fennel-adasan, bald (Java), Taimantulu (Gorontalo).; Qian hong (China).;

Curable Disease: Asthma, Cough, Sore eyes, headaches, bad Mimpu; heat illness, dysentery;

Flowers or whole plants, fresh or dried.

1. Bronchial asthma, acute airway inflammation and chronic (acute
and chronic bronchitis).
2. Whooping cough (Pertussis)
3. Inflammation of the eyes, headache
4. Hot on the children, nightmares (screaming night).
5. Dysentery.

USER: 9-15 grams, boiled.

Crushed fresh plants, used in a sick body parts or boiled, for washing. Used to wound or sore stricken.

1. Bronchial asthma:
Boiled for 10 flowers, plus the yellow wine, drank in
rutine 3 times.

2. Urination is not smooth: flowers 3-10 g boiled, drunk.

3. Hot on the child (because of liver):
7-14 fresh flowers boiled, drinking.

4. Dysentery:
10 plus fresh flowers yellow wine, boiled, drinking.

5. Bronchitis chronis:
Have made the drug injection, is injected at acupuncture points. 10%
patients, arising dryness in the throat after a
injection, but only temporarily.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Taste sweet, neutral. Anti-cough, shortness eliminate (antiasthmatic), treatment of inflammation of the eye. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Gomphresin I, II, Ill, V, VI.


(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

Synonym: --
Family: Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).

Shrubs erect or convolute, parrjang 0,3-3 m. Penumpu leaves remain attached to the old. Children oval leaves, with rounded base, tapering, hairy both sides, 4-9 cm 5-13 times. Bunches of flowers sitting in the armpits, with 1-2 pairs of flowers. Stem massive cluster, as high as 6 cm, often short Iebih. Children under the protective leaf sheath 3-9 mm long. Petals 5-8 mm high, the top teeth very short. The crown is almost always white, yellow, sometimes purple; flag on pangkalrrya with 2 ears; full play less than 2 times; wing long nails. Iepas flag stamens, others united. Shaft near the tip of the pistil of a beard. Beans are changing shape and size. White beans, yellow, red, lilac, brown, or black. Pieces of plant seed sprouts appear above ground. Of America; widely planted. Note: seeds and fruits found in many variations and traded with very different names as vegetables, brown and white beans, green beans spercie and snijbonen, beans and bullets kievitsbonen, etc.. Part Used Fruit and Seed.

Local Name:
NAME Simplisia Phaseoli Cement, Cement Fabarum; Beans. Phaseoli Fructus, Phaseoli Legumina; Fruit Beans.

Curable Disease: KHASIAT Diuretics.

Facilitate breastfeeding.

Herbs and dosages

Beans 250 grams of fruit, steamed.
Eaten as lalap three times a day, each time eating 250 grams.

Alkaloid, flavonoida, saponin, triterpenoida, steroida, stigmasterin, trigonelin, arginine, an amino acid, asparagine, kholina, tannins, fasin (toksalbumin), substance starch, vitamins and minerals.

Buah Nona

(Annona reticulata L.)

Annona asiatica Lour. Annona longifolia Sesse et Moc.

Annonaceae (Anacardiaceae).

Trees or shrubs, 3-7 m tall, all parts of strong-smelling when crushed. Leaf extends to form Ianset, 9-30 times 3,5-7 cm, quite weak, flat edge. Interest in a short essay, flowering 2-10. Leaf sheath when the bud is composed of valves, a small triangle, the base united. Fleshy outer petals are thick, 2-3 cm in length, from the yellowish-white, with purple base ultimately hollow. Leaves in the crown is very small. Basic interest rate rises. Stamens many, white. Liaison space above sari sari space widening, and closed spaces. Will fruit a lot. Anthers almost sat. Compound fruit is more or less forms a ball, 5-12 cm diameter;'s men, especially with the end of the flat, also the cooking time is still connected. Black beans. Dirty white pulp. Fruit trees of the West Indies. Used Part seeds, young fruit, and leaves.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Buwah lady, lady peas Fruit, Cashew lady. About rabsa (Aceh); Buwah unah (Lampung); Manowa, Miss (Sunda); Kanowa, Kemulwa, Kluwa (Java); Buwah mistress (Ambon). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Annonae reticulatae Cement; Miss Fruit Seed. Folium Annonae reticulatae; Leaf Fruit Mem.

Curable Disease:
Characteristic brown, neutralize, and toxic. KHASIAT Seed: Insecticides. Leaves: Anti-inflammatory and antelmintik.

Seed: Head lice (external drug).
2.Obat worms.

Young fruit:
3.Obat worms.

Herbs and dosages
Miss Fresh Fruit leaves 4 grams
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 4 days.

Miss Fresh Fruit leaves 4 grams
Leaf Sirih fresh 3 sheet
4 grams of leaves Saga
Water 110 ml
Gypsum powder (added after the cold medicine) 6 grams

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 7 days.

Tannins, alkaloids anonaina, and retikulina.

Fruit Makasar

(Brucea javanica [L.] Merr.)

B. amarissima, Desv., B. gracilis DC., B. sccnaatrana Roxb., Goraus amarissima Lour., Lus. sa arnarissirna O. Ktze., Rlzus javanica L.


Makasar fruit grows wild in the forest, sometimes planted as a hedge plant: Fruit Makassar grew at 1-500 m altitude above sea level. Upright shrubs, chronic, 1-2,5 m tall, smooth-haired yellow. The leaves are compound pinnate leaves odd, the number of children 5-13 leaves, stemmed, where the deal. Strand child lancet-shaped leaves elongated, tapered tip, base wedge-shaped, jagged edge of the rough, upper surface green, lower surface light green, 5-10 cm long, 2-4 cm wide. Compound interest gathered in a series of solid panicles out of the armpit leaves, greenish purple. The fruit of stone fruit oval, about 8 mm long, when ripe black. Seeds round, white. In Indonesia, the fruit is called seed makasar. Makasar fruit can be propagated by seeds.

Local Name:
Sumatra LOCAL NAME: curd-whey, tambar sipago, t. sipogu, t. prison, malur, sikalur, black and blue. Java: kendung peucang, ki padesa, kuwalot, trawa! Ot, walot (Sunda), kwalot (Java). Sulawesi: tambara Marica (Makasar). Maluku: Nagas (Ambon). NAME OF FOREIGN Yes and zi (C), false sumac, java brucea fruit (I). NAME Simplisia Bruceae Fructus (fruit makasar).

Curable Disease:
It tasted bitter, cold nature, poisonous (toxic), into the large intestine meridian. Benefits of fruit can be cleaned makasar heat and toxins, stop bleeding (hemostatis), to kill parasites (parasiticic), antidisentri, and antimalarial. Benefits can be cleaned of leaves makasar heat and toxins. Fruit makasar contain active substances, such as oleic acid, bruceine, and yatanoside A & B, a potent anticancer in ascitic Ehrlich cancer, sarcoma 37 'sarcoma 180' cervix cancer 14 'Walker carcinoma, 56, leucemia1, lo, and leucemia3g8. In animals, inhibits the DNA synthesis of cancer cells, enhancing phagocytosis of macrophages, and formed blood cells in the bone marrow. Research resources makasar antelmintik juice of worms Ascaridia Galli (chicken roundworms) in vitro with the cooking water 10% w / v ethanol extract and the remaining fraction, showing real results. This means that the juice has properties as macassar antelmintik. At the dose of boiled water 20 ml 10% w / v, ethanol extract 150 mg, 150 mg and the remaining fraction, each copy diluted with glucose 5% to give 100 ml antelmintik resources that are not significantly different with 32 mg of citric piperasin reconstituted with 5% glucose saline to 100 ml (Noverman, Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA UNAND, 1990).

The part used is fruit. After the fruit is collected, the hard part to take the contents removed. Besides fruits, leaves and roots are also efficacious as a medicine.

The fruit is used for treatment:
amoebic dysentery, chronic diarrhea infected by Trichomonas sp.,
hemorrhoids (haemorrhoids),
worms (nematodes, taemia),
papilloma in the larynx (larynx), the vocal cords, external ear canal, and gums,
cancer in the esophagus (the esophagus), stomach, rectum, lung, cervix (cervical), and skin.

Roots used for treatment:
malaria, dernam,
food poisoning.

Leaves used to treat: back pain.

To drug intake, milling 1.5-2 g makasar fruit (about 10-15 seeds) until smooth, then put into capsules. This potion to drink after a meal. Do it 2-3 times a day.
External use is used to cure warts (warts) and fish eye "(corns) on foot. The use of these herbs have to be careful so as not on the surrounding normal skin. Makasar fruit leaves a soft ground can be used to compress the swollen body parts, due to knock or blow (bruise) hard object. In addition to cure the disease, this herb can be used to drive the maggots.

Amoebic dysentery
10-15 grind makasar fruit until smooth, then put into capsules. Drink this potion and after eating. Do it 3 times a day, for 7-10 days.

Dysentery, urine and feces because the hot-blooded
25 fruit makasar miller (maximum 50 pieces) until smooth, then put into capsules. Drink this mixture with a solution of water and rock sugar.

Take makasar fruit, approximately 10 pieces, and grind until smooth. Enter into the capsule, then drink as well. Do it 3 times a day for 3 days. Furthermore, the dose reduced by half (5 fruits) and drink for 5 days.
Wash fruits 15-20 g makasar roots, then cut into pieces as needed. Boil in three glasses of clean water glass until remaining one. Once cool, strain and filter water to drink slap. Do it twice a day, each 1 / 2 cup.

Fruit makasar contains alkaloids (brucamarine, yatanine), glycosides (brucealin, yatanoside A and B, kosamine), and phenols (brucenol, bruceolic acid). Seeds contain brusatol and bruceine A, B, C, E, F, G, H. The pulp oil contains fat, oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, and acid palmitoleat. Fruit and leaves contain tannin.

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