Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Leaf Caraway

(Plectranthus amboinicus (L.) Spreng.)

Amboinicus Coleus Lour. Coleus aromatica Benth.

Lamiaceae (Labiatae).

Plant shrubs, spread. Stem woody, soft, beruas-sections. Segments attached to the ground will grow roots, young stems pale green. Leaves single, easily broken, oval shape, thickness, edge beringgit, berabut, 6-7 cm long, 5-6 cm wide, pinnate-boned, light green color. Compound interest, the shape of bunches, the crown of purple bowls. Used parts All parts of plants.

Local Name: NAME Simplisia Plectranthi amboinici Herba; Herb Leaf Caraway.

Curable Disease:
Spicy characteristic, neutralize, and clean the blood. Spicy characteristic, neutralize, and clean the blood. RESEARCH Ifiwati Wibowo, 1992. Faculty of Pharmacy, WIDMAN. Mentors: Dra. Dien Ariani L. and dr. Irwan S. Has conducted research antibacterial power Caraway leaf extract against gram-negative bacteria from urinary tract infections. From these results, it can Caraway leaf extract inhibits the growth of bacteria E. coli starting concentration 1.2 g / ml and the bacteria P. mirabilis starting concentration of 1.0 g / ml.

-Baby vomiting.
-Digestion is not good.
-Inflammation of the bladder channels.
-Sprue stomach.

Herbs and dosages

7 leaves fresh cumin strands
Water 100 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

Stomach ulcers (Heartburn)
Leaves fresh cumin 1 gram
Leaves fresh Saga 3 grams
Centella asiatica fresh herbs 3 grams
Leaf Sirih fresh 3 sheet
Wooden Leather Turi 4 grams
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or dipipis.

How to use:
1 times daily drink 100 ml (IV). If made pipisan taken 1 time a day 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 7 days.

Babies Vomiting
If the baby is often sick and still nursing on her mother. Vomiting is caused by the mother eating putrid food such as fish, shrimp, etc..
Caraway leaves 2 pieces of fresh

How to use:
To cure this, she should chew leaves and the juice swallowed Caraway.

Duration of treatment:
3 times a day, morning, noon, and evening, each time sheet 2 leaves fresh cumin.

Caraway leaves 2 pieces of fresh
Fresh leaves 2 strands Legundi
1 red ginger rhizome rhizome
Bangle rhizome sufficiently
Enough water

How to manufacture:
Dipipis to form a paste.

How to use:
Applied to the temples and behind the ears. If there is, you can add toilet water.

Essential oils, containing phenol, and potassium compounds.

Leaves seat

(Desmodium triquetrum [L.] D.C.)

= Hedysarm triquetrum, Linn. = Pteroloma triquetrum, Benth. = P. triquetrum, (Linn.) Desv.

Papilionaceae (Leguminosae)

Leaves seat can be found from the lowlands to 1,500 m above sea level. grow wild in the open with sufficient sunlight or a little shade, and not so dry. Chronic shrubs, grow upright or climbing, high 0.5 to 3 m, with a wooden leg. Stems round, beruas, rough surface, branching simpodial, 2 cm in diameter, brown. Single leaf, turns, penumpu leaf, petiole broadly winged. Lancet leaf blade, pointed tip, flat base, the flat, pertulangan pinnate, length 10 to 20 cm, width 1.5 to 2 cm, young brown, dark green after. Compound interest, panicle, out of the end of the rod, the crown butterfly purple and white color, smooth-haired, attach to the base. Fruit pods, length 2.5 to 3.5 cm, width of 4 to 6 mm, hair, containing 4 to 8 seed, young green, dark brown after. Small seeds, kidney shape, the color brown. Propagation by seed.

Local Name:
Tile cangkeng, ki congcorang, cut cleaver,; cen-cen (Sunda),), leaf sitting duck bill, walang Gulu,; Gerji, Kalanchoe pinnata (Java). leaves sitting (Sumatra); Three-flowered desmodium (UK).

Curable Disease:
Prevent fainting (heat stroke), fever, salesma, dysentery, hemorrhoids,; Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), mumps (Parotitis), scleroderma,; melt pus (piorea), acute inflammation of the kidney (acute nephritis),; swollen (edema), colitis (entiris), vomiting in pregnancy; hookworm infection (hookworm), tapeworm infection in the liver,; Keputihan due to Trichomonas (trichomonal vaginitis), rheumatoid arthritis,; Hospital yellow (ikterik hepatitis), tuberculosis of bone and lymph glands,; Lack of teeth in children, poisoning the fruit pineapple, multiple abscesses,;

All parts except the root (herb) can be used.
Consumption in the form of fresh or dried.

These potent herbs to:
- Prevent fainting due to heat (heat stroke), fever, influenza,
- Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis), mumps (Parotitis), melt pus
- Acute inflammation of the kidney (acute nephritis), swollen (edema),
- Inflammation of the intestine (enteritis), dysentery,
- Hookworm infection (hookwonn), tapeworm infection in the liver,
- Whitish due to Trichomonas (trichomonal vaginitis),
- Vomiting in pregnancy, malnutrition in children,
- Jaundice (hepatitis ikterik),
- Poisoned fruit pineapple,
- Tuberculosis of bone and lymph glands, multiple abscesses,
- Scleroderma,
- Hemorrhoids,
- Rheumatism.

Prepare the herb leaves to sit as much as 15-60 g, then boiled and drink. External use is used to compress hemorrhoids, abscess, back pain, and aches in the legs with herb leaves finely ground sit.

1. Hemorrhoids:
Take 20 g of fresh leaves, washed and then boiled with 1 cup water
for 15 minutes. After chilling filtered. Distillate taken
well. Do it every day.

2. Acute kidney inflammation, edema:
Take the herb leaves to sit as much as 60 g, washed and then boiled with
3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass. After chilling filtered, drinks
once in the morning.

3. Vomiting in pregnancy:
Take the herb leaves to sit as much as 30 g, washed and cut into pieces
necessary. Boiled with 3 cups of water until remaining 1 glass.
After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times rninum, ie morning, noon,
and afternoon, each 1 / 3 cup.

4. Dysentery:
Take a fresh herb leaves sit for 30 g, washed and then ground
smooth. Brewed with 3 / 4 cup hot water, let stand for 15
minutes. Add the tip of a teaspoon of salt, stirring frequently. Squeeze
and filtering. Drink warm at the same time.

When lay was added to the salted fish and meat, can protect the food from flies and maggots attack.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Herba it feels a bit bitter, cool. Efficacious as a reliever fever (antipyretics), anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory), killer parasites (parasitisid), increased appetite (stomakik), and peluruh urine (diuretic). KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: The leaves of this plant contain tannin, alkaloida hipaforin, trigonelin, tanner materials, silicates acid, and K20. Fruit leaves contain saponin sitting, and flavonoida, while the roots contain saponin, flavonoida, and tannins.

Daun Dewa

(Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.)

= Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. = G. pseudo-china, DC. = G. divaricata DC. = G. ovalis DC. = Senecio L. divarigata


Terna annual, erect, ± 50 cm tall, usually grown as a plant drug dipekarangan. Young stems green with elongated groove tengguli colors, if somewhat older branches a lot. Single leaf, a stalk, an oval shape to the whole length. Melancip tip. Old leaves deeply divided. Leaves many gathered at the bottom, rather rare at the end of the rod, where the turns. Both surfaces of leaves hair soft, white color. Color dark green leaf surface, the bottom light green. Leaves 8-20 cm long. width from 5 to 10 cm. Flowers is located at the end of the rod, hump-shaped yellow (flower heads). Having colored bulbs to-gray ash, 3-6 cm long., With a cross-section ± 3 cm.

Local Name:
Beluntas china, leaves god (Sumatra), Samsit; San qi cao (China).;

Curable Disease:
Luka beaten, bleeding, coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds; throat infection, not coming period, being bitten by poisonous animals; Coagulation of blood, broken bones, bleeding after childbirth;

PART THAT USE: The whole plant.

Injury blow, circulation, stop bleeding (Coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds), swelling of the breasts, throat infection, not coming period, bitten by poisonous animals.

Remove blood clots (haematom) swelling, broken bones (fractures), bleeding after childbirth.

USAGE: 15-30 grams of fresh leaves, boiled or ground and then squeezed, drinking.

EXTERNAL USE: This plant sufficiently pulverized until like mush, attached to the hospital.

1. Bitten by a snake / bitten by other animals:
Tubers are crushed and then placed in the disorder.

2. Warts:
God 5 crushed leaves, and in places dilumurkan
warty, and then bandaged. Released the next day.

1. Injury hit, not coming period:
15-30 grams of boiled or ground herbs, taken the water, mix
with the already heated wine, drink.

2. Bleeding in women, breast swelling, coughing and
vomiting of blood:
1 (one) full bar (15 grams) is boiled, to drink.

3. Seizures in children:
Take 1 stick ground water, mixed with wine, minumkan.

4. The wound was struck, in the wind:
6-9 g of fresh tubers plus yellow wine (wong ciu) sufficiently,
then heated, drink.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Neutral, distinctive taste. Anti-coagulant, dilute blood clots, stimulate circulation, stop the bleeding. Eliminate heat and clean the toxins. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: saponins, essential oils, flavonoids.


(Acanthus ilicifolius L.)

A. doloariu Blanco., A. Val ebracteatus., A. Volubilis Wall., Dilivaria ilicifolia Nees. (Juss.).


Daruju grows wild in coastal areas, the river, and others whose land tempattempat muddy and brackish water. Annual bush, wet trunked, growing upright or lying on the base, 0.5-2 m high, berumpun lot. Circular cylindrical rod, a little weak, smooth, brown, long and sharp thorns. Leaves single, short-stemmed, where the deal crossed. Leaf blade length or lancet-shaped, base and pointed tip, the edge bercangap pinnate with prickly edges outboard, 9-30 cm long, 4-12 cm wide. Compound interest who gathered in the ears of 6-30 cm in length, out of the end of the rod, the crown of bluish purple flowers. The fruit is a fruit box, oval, ± 3 cm long, blackish brown. Kidney-shaped seed, 2-4 in number of fruit. Roots of the roots upside, cream-colored. Daruju can be propagated by seeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Jeruju (Malays), daruju (Java). Foreign names Lao shu le (C), sea holly (I). Name Simplisia Acanthi Radix (root daruju).

Curable Disease:
Daruju roots taste bitter, cold nature, efficacious as anti-inflammatory (antiflogistik) and peluruh sputum (ekspektorans). Seed efficacious as blood purifier. Apparently, infusion roots daruju 0.8 g / kg bb and 1.2 g / kg bb on the rabbits who have been given toxic doses of paracetamol may accelerate enzyme activity decreased ALT and AST significantly. However, do not give change in ALP enzyme activity. Dose 1.2 g / kg bb faster decrease AST and ALT compared with the dose of 0.8 g / kg bb. Daruju root infusion did not provide tangible effect on bile duct dam interference (Asmawati, FF WIDMAN, 1990).

The part used is the root, leaves, and seeds. Before use, wash the roots thoroughly, sliced thin, then dry in the sun to dry.

Roots used for treatment:
inflammation of the liver (hepatitis) acute and chronic,
enlarged liver and spleen (hepato.splenomegali),
enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), including enlarged lymph nodes in tuberculosis (TB) skin (skrofulode rma),
Mumps (Parotitis),
shortness of breath (bronchial asthma),
stomach pain, stomach pain,
cancer, especially liver cancer.

The seed is used for treatment: ulcers and intestinal worms.

For drugs taken, provide 30-60 g of dried root daruju, then boiled with meat or team.
For external use only, minced dried root until smooth, then sprinkle on the body part injured or poisoned.


30-120 g of boiled roots daruju and 60-120 g of dried beef with no fat in 500 cc water in a pot or pan emails soil gently for 6 hours, until the water left a bowl. If the water dried up before 6 hours, add enough hot water while boiling. Once cool, strain and filter the water divided by two to two drinks, morning and afternoon (each 1 / 2 cup). Every time drinking add honey to taste. Perform this treatment every day.

Acute and chronic hepatitis
Iris root 60 g dried daruju thin. Enter your email to the pan, then pour in 500 cc of clean water into it. Simmer over low heat until the water left over 100 cc. Once cool, strain and divided the water for 2 times drinks, morning and evening. Every time a drink can add honey to taste.

Toxic knife wounds infected
Chewing the roots dry until smooth, then Put on the wound and bandaged with gauze. Replace 2-3 times a day.

Four grain milled seed powder daruju up. Brewed with enough water, then drink as well. Do it every day until cured.

3-5 butirbiji daruju milled until smooth. Brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water. After a cold, drink once. This treatment can be done for 2-4 consecutive days.

Composition: Roots contain flavone and amino acids.

Cormorant gendis

(Clinacanthus nutans Lindau)

Synonym: Clinacanthus burmani Nees.
Family: Achantaceae.

Annual shrubs, height approximately 2.5 meters. Stem woody, erect, beruas and green. Single leaf, face, lancet shape, 8-12 mm long, 4-6 mm wide, bony pinnate, green. Compound interest, panicle shape, in the armpits and at the end of the leaf stems, tubular flower, 2-3 cm long, pink. Fruit box, round, elongated brown. Leaves Used parts.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Ki sharp (Sunda), gendis (Java) FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia: Folium Clinacanthi nutans; Leaf Dandang gendis.

Curable Disease: Characteristic bitter taste, aromatic odor.


Herbs and dosages
Leaves fresh gendis Dandang 7 grams
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or seduhan.

How to pernakaian:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.

Composition: Alkaloids, saponins, and essential oil.

Dadap Chicken

(Erythirna variegata L. Var .. Orientalist (L.) Merr)

Erythirna variegata L. Var .. Orientalist (L.) Merr

Papillionaceae (Leguminosae).

Trees that drop leaves, 1-25 m. high Stems and branches most thorny stick. Axis leaves with stems 10-40 cm long, barbed not paste; child leaves inverted oval, triangle or a rhombus shape with the blunt edge, the edge of the flat, rarely slightly curved; child who leaves the biggest tip, 10-30 cm 9-25 times . Bunches of flowers in the side, at the end of the bare twigs or leaves are young. Bract quickly fall. Rates three-three on the ridge; 0,5-1 cm stalk children. Petals finally split in such midrib; flag 5,5-8 times less than 8 cm, short nails, no white stripes; Iuar wing petals appear, 1.5-2.5 cm long; more or less the same hull length, loose-leaf , red dirt. Meeting will be fruit-haired, stemmed. Beans on the rest of the petals on the stem of 1,5-3 cm long, narrowed between the seeds, 10-25 times of about 2 cm outer wall can be separated from the wall and opened in irregular. Seeds 1-12, approximately 2 cm long. On the beach or back area, the mouth of the river; are also raised to 1,200 m. Used Part The leaves, bark, roots, and seeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Blendung. Dadap Blendung (Sunda), Dadap chicken, sea Dadap (Java); Theutheuk (Madura); planes kokotu (Ternate); Lola kohori (Tidore). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Erythrinae variegatae Folium; Leaf Chicken Dadap.

Curable Disease:
Characteristic bitter, cooling, and cleaning the blood. KHASIAT Expectorants, antipyretic, antelmintik, and insektisid RESEARCH Derizar Deniska, 1993. Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA UNAND. Mentors: Dra. Asmi Ilyas, Apt. and Dr. Injomanoto, DMM, M.Sc. Has researched the antimicrobial effects of extracts of leaves of several Dadap Chicken ulcer-causing bacteria in vitro. From the results of these studies, it boiled extract, chloroform fraction, and the remaining fraction can inhibit the growth of bacteria Staphylococcus albus, Streptococcus Saureuos beta hemolyticus, and Pseudomonaf aeruginosa.

-Menstrual irregularities.
-Facilitate breastfeeding.
-Difficulty sleeping.
-Inflammation (external drug).
Skin-Pain (external drug).

-Rheumatism (external drug).
-Broken bones (external drug).

Herbs and dosages

Irregular Menstruation
A few leaves and some flowers Dadap Chicken, made of vegetables. Eaten as a vegetable.

Facilitate breastfeeding
Dadap leaves enough chicken and coconut milk, made a suitable vegetable. Eaten as a vegetable.

Difficult Sleep
A few leaves and herbs Chicken Dadap Kangkung made vegetable. Eaten as a vegetable.

Dadap Seed Chicken uncomfortable. Chicken Dadap seeds thinly cut used to poison the chicken.

Alkaloid eritralina, erisotiofina, kholina, betaina, erisovina, hepaforina, fatty oils, and resins.


(Physalis peruviana, Linn.)

Synonym: Physalis angulata. Linn. Physalis minina, Linn.

Family: Nightshade

Ciplukan plant (Physalis minina) is a wild plant, in the form of bushes / shrubs are low (typically up to 1 meter tall) and have approximately the age of 1 year. This plant thrives in lowland until height of 1550 meters above sea level, spread over ground fields, dry fields, and can be found in the teak forests. The flowers are yellow, round fruit and yellow-green when young, but when the old brown with acids taste sweet. Young fruit Ciplukan protected cangkap (veil covering the fruit).

Local Name:
Morel berry (English), Ciplukan (Indonesia), Physalis angulata (Java); Cecendet (Sunda), Jordan yoran (Madura), Lapinonat (Seram); Questionnaire, Kepok-kepokan, Keceplokan (Bali), Dedes (Sasak); Leletokan (Minahasa);

Curable Disease: Diabetes mellitus, lung pain, Ayan, ulcers;

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Material: ciplukan plants that have been revoked and their fruitful
the roots, and cleansed.
How to make: dilayukan and boiled with water to 3 cups
boil until tingga 1 cup, and then filtered
How to use: 1 times daily drink.

2. Tuberculosis
Material: ciplukan complete plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers and
Method: boiled with 3-5 cups water to boiling and
How to use: 3 times a day drink 1 cup.

3. Epilepsy
Ingredients: 8-10 grains ciplukan fruit cooked.
How to use: to eat every day on a regular basis.

4. Ulcers
Ingredients: 1 handful of leaves ciplukan plus 2 tablespoons water whiting.
How to make: until finely crushed
How to use: attached to the affected part.

Ciplukan fruits contain citric acid chemical compounds and fisalin. Besides fruit also contains Ciplukan Malate acid, alkaloids, Tanin, Kriptoxantin, Vitamin C and Sugar.

Grass jelly

(Cylea barbata, Miers.)

Family: Manispermaceae

Plant Grass jelly (Cylea barbata) including trunked vine plants, small stem circumference diameter, the bark is coarse and prickly. The length of the stems can reach dozens of meters and a shield-shaped leaves with a surface covered with a surface coat. This plant flowers yellow berwara red stone fruit has an oval shape. These plants are often found in open areas or forest edge of the bush, but there are also maintained and climb on bushes. But there is also a vine grown in hedgerows. Grass jelly plants suitable to grow in areas that have a height less than 1000 meters above sea level.

Local Name:
Grass jelly (Indonesia), Camcao, viking, Kepleng (Java); Camcauh, Tahulu (Sunda);

Curable Disease:
Diarrhea (abdominal pain), hypertension, fever;

1. Abdominal pain and hypertension
Material: Grass jelly leaves to taste
Method: Grass jelly leaves crumpled, with boiled water,
filtered and allowed a few moments until the shape of gelatin,
then add coconut milk and sweeteners from sugar palm.
How to use: common edible

2. Fever
Material: Grass jelly roots sufficiently
How to make: brewed with hot water and filtered
How to use: regular drinking

KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: According to research experts, these plants contain a type of carbohydrate that can absorb water, so the leaves become solid. If a handful of leaves crumpled Grass jelly with a hamper of water, will be obtained Cincau gelatin as sold in the markets. In addition to containing carbohydrates, Cincau also contain fat and so on.


(Phyllanthus acidus [L.] Skeels.)

= P.distichus Muell. Arg. = P.cicca Muell. Arg., = Cicca disticha, Linn. = C.nodiflora.


This tree comes from India, the land can turnbuh mild to severe and resistant to lack or excess of water. Ceremai many people in the yard planting, the fields and other places up to an altitude of 1,000 m above sea level. Small tree, to 10 m tall, sometimes more. Branches many, thick bark. Leaves single, short-stemmed, arranged in series such as stem form compound leaves. Round leaves the egg until the ellipse, the tip pointed, base obtuse to rounded, flat edge, pertulangan pinnate, smooth hair is not long, 2 to 7 cm, width 1.5 to 4 cm, light green. Shaft when the fall will leave a real mark on the branch. Perbungaan a bunch length from 1.5 to 12 cm, out along the branches, the petals form a star,, a pink crown. There are female and male flowers on one stem. Buah.batu fruit, round and flat, sloping from 6 to 8, length 1.25 to 1.5 cm, width from 1.75 to 2.5 cm, pale yellow color, seed 4-6, sour taste. flat round seeds rnuda brown. The young leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Young fruit can be cooked with vegetables for cooking because it gives menyedapkan sour taste. Ripe fruit can be eaten immediately after kneaded with salt water to reduce sepat and sour taste, eaten sweets or jam made. Propagation by seed or grafting.

Local Name:
Careme, CERME (Sunda), CERME (Java). careme (Madura); Ceremoi (Aceh), CERME, ceramai, camin-camin (Sumatra).; Carmen, cermen (Bali), sarume (Bima). lumpias aoyok, tili; Lombituko bolaano, caramele, carameng (Sulawesi),; Ceremin (Ternate), selemele, selumelek (Bread).; Salmele, cermele (East).;

Curable Disease:
Cough with phlegm, deal with loss, nausea, cancer, sprue; asthma, skin problems, constipation, nausea, stomach due to dirty;

Leaf, root bark, and seeds.

Leaf believed to produce:
- Cough with phlegm,
- Deal with loss,
- Nausea,
- Cancer, and
- Sprue.

Skin roots efficacious to overcome:
- Asthma and
- Sick skin.

Nutritious seeds to overcome:
- Constipation and
- Nausea due to stomach dirty.

1. Constipation
a. Prepare Ceremai seed as much as 3 / 4 teaspoon, washed and then ground
until smooth. Brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water. As
still warm, add 1 tablespoon of honey, stirring until
equitable and drink at once. Apply 2 times a day.

b. Prepare the fresh leaves of Ceremai 3 g, washed and crushed
smooth. Brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water, then cooled. Results
seduhan taken at the same time with the dregs.

2. Asthma:
Prepare beans as much Ceremai 6 seeds, red onion 2 eggs, roots
kara (Dolichos lablab) 1 / 4 cell, longan fruit (Nephelium
longanum; Euphoria longana) 8 eggs, washed and crushed
necessary. The materials are then boiled with 2 cups water
net sampai.tersisa 1 1 / 2 cup. After chilling filtered, then
drunk with sugar water to taste. 2 times a day, each one
3 / 4 cup.

3. Cancer:
Prepare the leaves of young Ceremai of 1 / 4 cell
starfruit leaves 1 / 3 cell, lote upas 1 / 2 finger, gadung china 1 / 2
finger, 3 finger palm sugar, washed and cut into pieces as needed.
The material was then braised with 3 clean water glass until
left approximately 3 / 4 sections. After chilling filtered, ready for
drunk. 3 times a day, each one quite 3 / 4 cup.

4. Slimming body:
Drinking water Ceremai leaf stew. This drug works strong, do not
using dalamjangka long time.

NOTE: The liquid poisonous roots. Should not use the root Ceremai for treatment.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Leaf Ceremai distinctive aromatic smell, no taste. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Leaves, bark, and wood Ceremai contain saponin, flavonoida, tannins, and polyphenols. Roots contain saponin, galus acid, tannin substances, and toxic substances (toxic). While fruit contains vitamin C.

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