Thursday, November 19, 2009


(Cordyline fruticosa (L) A. Cheval.)

L. terminalis Asperagus Cordyline terminalis (L.) Kunth.

Agavaceae (Liliaceae).

Branched shrubs; 2-4 m. high Twigs with the leaves fall off the former ring-shaped. Leaves crowded at the end of the twig with a spiral structure; stem form gutters, leaf blade or lancet line shape, 1-13 cm 20-60 times, with a wedge-shaped base and pointed tip, green or red or Iorek. Panicles of flowers in the armpit leaves, long-stemmed, branching wide, with protective leaves at the base of large branches. Child protective leaves at the base of a small flower. Tent leaves flowers 6, lengthwise, 1.3 cm long, 3 to the outside at the bottom half attached, close to the inside, the top section and the curved backs off again. Stamens 6, imbedded in the flower tent. Short anthers 3 taju. Fruit buni ± forms a ball, shiny red. Shiny black seeds. From East Asia. In the garden and the fence, in the grave; 1-1900 m. Leaves used parts.

Local Name:
NAME OF juwang Bak, Laklak (Aceh); Kalinjuhang Katunggal, Linjuang, Si linjuang (Batak); Anjiluwang, Jiluwang, Lanjuwang, Linjuwang (Makasar); Anderuwang (Lampung); Renjuwang, Sabang, Sawang (Dayak); Hanjuwang (Sunda) ; Andong, Endong (Java); Andong, Endong, Handwang (BaIi); Tabongo (Gr); Vanilla, Siri (Ms); Panyaureng, Siri (Bg); Ai hunting (Sr.); Weluga, Werusisi, Wersingin (Ab) ; Yasir (Ij); Pitako (Hm). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Cordylinae Folium; Leaf Andong.

Curable Disease:
Cooling characteristic. KHASIAT Hemostatik and anti-swelling.


1.Batuk blood.
3.Haid too much.
4.Wasir bleeding.

Herbs and dosages
Coughing blood, menstruating too much
Andong fresh leaves 5 pieces
Enough water

How to manufacture:
Created infusion, brewed, or dipipis.

How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml. To pee, diminurn 1 times a day 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated until healed.

Andong fresh leaves 3 pieces
7 leaves fresh piece Wungu
Boiled water to taste

How to manufacture:

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, each time taking 1 / 4 cup.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.

Ingredients Chemical Steroida, saponins, polysaccharides drafts.


(Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)

Pterocarpus flavus Lour. Pterocarpus pallidus Blco.

Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).

Tree, 10-40 m. high Haired twig tip. Lancet penumpu leaf shape, 1-2 cm long. Leaf turns. Children 5-13 leaves, elongated oval, tapered, blunt, shiny once, 4-10 times 2,5-5 cm; child ca. 0,5-1,5 cm stalk. Bunches of flowers at the end and sat in the armpits, little or no branching, brown hair, flowered many, 7-11 cm long; 0,5-1,5 cm stalk children; very fragrant flowers. Petals of the bell to form a tube, 5-toothed, high ca. 7 mm. Orange yellow crown. Hoofed corolla; Iingkaran form of flags or inverted oval, strongly wrinkled, curved back, midline approximately 1 cm shorter than full wing, pale. Fruit would shaggy, short-stemmed, going 2-6 seeds. Stemmed leguminous on the rest of the petals, almost round the circle, with half the side, very slender, with wings around, do not open, lk midline 5 cm, on the side with the mother yarig Iebar leaves thick bone. Seeds mostly 1. Often planted; 1-800 m. Note: The wood has a color and excellent quality; used as building materials and wood furniture. In this tree produces Maluku "root wood" (wortelhout) good. His skin was used as a drug; in the tree alive rnengandung blood red liquid. The bark is used, the sap (resin) and young leaves.

Local Name:
NAME OF Asan, Athan (Aceh); Sena (Gayo); Sena, Hasona, Sona (Batak); red Wood (East); Asana, lime Sana, Sana flowers (Minangkabau), Sana flowers (Madura); Kenaha (Solor) ; Aha, Dragon, Aga, Naakir (North Sulawesi); Tonala (Gorontalo); Candana (Bugis); Na, Nar, (Bread); Lana (Buru). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia: Pterocarpi Cortex; Angsana Bark.

Curable Disease:
KHASIAT Adstringen and diuretics. Biological Research, 1990. Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA USU. Has researched the influence of the Angsana leaf infusion decreased blood sugar levels compared with tolbutamid rabbits. From the results of these studies, it leaves Angsana infusion 5 ml, 10% and 20 ° Io of oral blood glucose lowering rabbits. The influence of infusion of 10% makes no difference with the 50 mg / kg bb tolbutamid, whereas infusion decreased by 20% larger than the influence of tolbutalmid.

Adstringen and diuretics.

Kidney stones.
Sprue mouth (gargle).

Young leaves:
Ulcer (external drug).

Sap (Kino):
Injury (external drug).
Mouth ulcers (external drug).

Herbs and dosages

Kidney stones
Angsana bark 3 g
Leaves nasty shard 2 grams
Leaf Mustache cat 4 grams
Water 115 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml. When the stone has been left, either in the form of crystals or cloudy urine, or foamy urine then stopped giving herbal medicine. Then continued drinking tea leaf cat Mustache 6% in water. Mustache 6 grams of leaves brewed with cats boiling water for 100 ml. Drunk as tea drinking habits.

Mouth ulcers
Angsana bark 4 grams
Leaves 4 grams of fresh Saga
Leaf Sirih fresh 3 sheet
Water 115 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.
If necessary add 10 grams of gypsum on beningan, silenced for a moment, then filtered and the clear section is taken. (Gypsum can be bought in pharmacies or chemical store).

How to use:
For the mouthwash, every 3 hours, each time using 50 ml, if necessary, can be diluted with water.

Boil washed with clean water or alcohol 70%. Angsana leaves then crushed and placed on the adhesive. Updated every 3 hours.

Composition: Resin is known as kino (kinotanat acid and red pigments.


(Acalypha australis Linn.)


Family: Euphorbiaceae

Semusim herbs, erect. hair. Tall stems 30 to 50 cm. branching, with a line stretching roughly. Growing up on the sidewalk, lawn, mountain slopes. Leaf where having an oval shape to the lancet, the base of the leaf tip and pointy, jagged edge, length 2.5 to 8 cm, width 1.5 to 3.5 cm. Unisexual flowers and the homeless one, out of the armpit leaves, small flowers in a series of panicles. Small fruit. Roots of this plant is so fond of dogs and cats.

Local Name:
Tie xian (China).;

Curable Disease:
Basiler dysentery and amoebic dysentery, diarrhea, Malnutrition, nosebleeds; Vomiting blood, blood Berak, blood urine, Malaria;

The whole plant, fresh or dried use.

1. Basiler dysentery and amoebic dysentery.
2. Diarrhea, children with low weight (malnutrition) and
3. Vomiting blood, nosebleeds, dysentery (melena), blood urine
4. Malaria.

9 to 15 grams of dried or 30 to 60 grams of fresh, boiled, drinking.

Crushed fresh herbs, paste or boiled water for washing.
Used for ulcers, ulceration, bleeding wounds, eczema, dermatitis,

1. Dermatitis, eczema, sore:
Fresh herbs to taste boiled water to wash in place

2. Bleeding, wound out:
Fresh herbs add sugar to taste, crushed and
affixed to the sick.

3. Dysentery amoeba:
30 to 60 grams of dried plant (entire stem) is boiled, a day divided
2 drinks, for 5 - 10 days.

4. Diarrhea, dysentery basiler, vomiting blood, nosebleeds, dysentery (melena),
Dry herbs from 30 to 60 grams boiled, drinking.

5. Dysentery basiler:
Acalypha australis 30 to 60 grams, Portulaca oleracea (wrist) and
each sugar 30 grams of boiled, cold drink after.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: bitter taste, astringen, cool. Anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, peluruh urine, astringen stop the bleeding (hemostatik).

Anyang Anyang

(Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J. Sm,)


Trees with form Etage; 6-26 m. high Stemmed leaves, crowded at the end of the stick, lancet form, move slowly on the stem, 1-5 cm 5-20 times, bald, like the skin, not in the jagged beringgit; the old red fire. Bunches of flowers hanging, 4-6 flowered, 2-10 cm long. Flowers 3-4,5 cm. Leaves bright red petals, hairy. Corolla white, with scales at the base, widening towards the end once and divided into taju, length; 2-2,5 cm. Basic yellow flowers, and orange. Base bulge smooth-haired flower (such as a chicken feather) meeting. All-haired stamens. Fruit will form the egg, hair; the stigma of not widening. Fruit of the spool, pale green, 3 cm in length lk. In the forest on the edge of water, below 500 m; as ornamental trees in the garden and park. Anyang, S, Rejasa, J. Elaeocarpus grandiflorus J.E.Sm. Cat. : If the fruit of heavy use, then paste the thorns penetrate the core of fruit and soft fruit such menyebarlah seed sebagaiapa called "box thorn" (hoefklitten). Part used Fruit, bark, and leaves.

Local Name:
NAME OF Anyang, Anyang, Ki ambit (Sunda); Anyang, Anyang, Kemaitan, Maitan, King sor, Rejasa (Java). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Elaeocarpi Fructus; Fruit-Anyang Anyang.

Curable Disease: --

1. Dysentery.
2. Bladder pain.

1. Kidney inflammation.
2. Ulcers (external drug).

Yellow 4.Sakit.

Herbs and dosages
Bark or leaves Anyang Anyang-4 gram
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 4 days.

Leaf Anyang Anyang-4 gram
3 grams of leaves Sembung
Herba Meniran 2 grams
Wild Ginger Rhizome 4 grams
Water 110 ml

How to pernbuatan:
Brewed, made infusion.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. Each time drank 100 ml.

Old treatment
Repeated for 14 days.

Bladder pain
Patients at the time of urination pain, and foamy urine.
Fruit Anyang Anyang-7 seeds
Fennel fruit 1 gram
Pulosari 1 / 2 segment of the finger
Water 110 ml

How to manufacture:
Created infusion or poured boiling water.

How to use:
Taken 2 times a day, morning and afternoon every time drinking 100 ml.

Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 7 days.

Composition: Elaeokarpid (toxic bitter substance) and saponins. Diuretics efficacy.


(Pyrus malus, Linn)

Synonym: Malus sylvestris, Mill

Family: Rosaceae
Apples (Pyrus malus) can live in the fertile region that has cold air temperatures. This plant is cultivated in Europe, especially in northern temperate regions. Local apples are famous in Indonesia comes from the area of Malang, East Java. Or also from the Mount Pangrango, West Java. In Indonesia, apples can grow well if cultivated in areas that have a height of about 1200 meters above sea level. Dikatagorikan apple plants as one of the rose family, and have high mawaran tree can reach 7-10 feet. Apple leaves is very similar to the leaves of the rose plant. An oval and decorated with small jagged teeth-on edge. In reproductive age, usually flowering apple in around July. Sized apple variety is actually an enlarged flowers or fruit expands to become a solid and contain.

Local Name:
Apples (Indonesia, Malang), Apple (United Kingdom), Appel (France);;

Curable Disease:
Diabetes (diabetes mellitus), diarrhea;

1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: 1 apple seed-sized fruit.
How to make: cut into 4 pieces and boiled with water 3-4
glass to boil down to 2 cups.
How to use: morning-evening drink, and carried out routinely.

2. Diarrhea
Ingredients: apples not so ripe.
How to use: common edible.

KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Apples (Pyrus malus) in addition to having the content of pectin compounds also contain nutrients, among others (per 100 gram): - Calories 58 calories - carbohydrate 14.9 grams - 0.4 grams Fat - 0.3 grams protein - Calcium 6 mg - 10 mg Phosphorus - 0.3 mg Iron - 90 SI Vitamin A - Vitamin B1 0.04 mg - 5 mg Vitamin C - and 84% Water

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