Monday, November 16, 2009


(Daucus carota, Linn.)
Daucus carota, Linn.


Carrot (Daucus carota) is a plant grown vegetables throughout the year. Especially in mountain areas that have cold temperatures and moist, more or less in 1200 ineter altitude above sea level. Mernbutuhkan carrot plants the sunlight and can turnbuh on sernua season. Carrots have a wet leaf stems that form a set of stem (petiole) that emerged from the top of the fruit base (root tuber), like celery leaves. Carrots like loose soil and fertile. According to botanists, carrot (Daucus carota) can be divided into several types, including: carrot (Daucus carota, Linn.) - Of imperator, which is a carrot that has bulbs the size of the root length with tapered tip and less sweet taste. - Chantenang types, namely carrot tuber roots that have elliptical and sweet taste. - Type of Mantes, the carrot kornbinasi results of this type of carrot and chantenang imperator. Tuber roots typical orange-colored carrots.

Local Name:
Carrot (UK), Carotte (French), carrot (Netherlands); Carrots (Indonesia), Bortol (Sunda), Carrots, Ortel (Madura); Carrots, Wortol, Wertol, Wertel, Bortol (Java);

Curable Disease:
Seizures Heart, Eczema, pinworms, minus eyes;


1. Heart cramp
Material: roots of carrots, 2 tablespoons honey, and 1 piece of palm sugar;
Method: grated carrots and squeezed with 2 cups of water,
then dioplos with other ingredients until evenly;
How to use: 1 times daily drink.

2. Eczema
a. Ingredients: 1 carrot root and 1 teaspoon whiting;
Method: and grated carrots with whiting dicarnpur
until evenly;
How to use: stuck on the sick and
wrapped with verban.

b. Ingredients: 3 carrots corm;
How to make: grated and brewed with 2 cups cooking water;
How to use: drink 2 times a day.

3. Pinworms
Ingredients: 5-7 tubers of carrot, salt and coconut milk to taste;
Method: grated carrots, then added to the material
How to use: squeezed and filtered, then taken
at bedtime.

4. Mata Minus
Ingredients: carrot tubers sufficiently;
How to make: grated and squeezed to take the water;
How to use: diminurn every morning on a regular basis.

KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Carrot (Daucus carota) has a value of Vitamin A content of high SI in the amount of 12,000. While the composition of other elements content is 42 calories for calories, 1.2 grams protein, 0.3 grams fat, 9.3 grams carbohydrate, 39 milligrams calcium, 37 milligrams phosphorus, 0.8 milligrams iron, vitamin B 1 0, 06 milligrams, and vitamin C 6 milligrams. Composition on the measured per 100 grams.

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