Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Daun Dewa

(Gynura segetum (Lour.) Merr.)

= Gynura procumbens (Lour.) Merr. = G. pseudo-china, DC. = G. divaricata DC. = G. ovalis DC. = Senecio L. divarigata


Terna annual, erect, ± 50 cm tall, usually grown as a plant drug dipekarangan. Young stems green with elongated groove tengguli colors, if somewhat older branches a lot. Single leaf, a stalk, an oval shape to the whole length. Melancip tip. Old leaves deeply divided. Leaves many gathered at the bottom, rather rare at the end of the rod, where the turns. Both surfaces of leaves hair soft, white color. Color dark green leaf surface, the bottom light green. Leaves 8-20 cm long. width from 5 to 10 cm. Flowers is located at the end of the rod, hump-shaped yellow (flower heads). Having colored bulbs to-gray ash, 3-6 cm long., With a cross-section ± 3 cm.

Local Name:
Beluntas china, leaves god (Sumatra), Samsit; San qi cao (China).;

Curable Disease:
Luka beaten, bleeding, coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds; throat infection, not coming period, being bitten by poisonous animals; Coagulation of blood, broken bones, bleeding after childbirth;

PART THAT USE: The whole plant.

Injury blow, circulation, stop bleeding (Coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds), swelling of the breasts, throat infection, not coming period, bitten by poisonous animals.

Remove blood clots (haematom) swelling, broken bones (fractures), bleeding after childbirth.

USAGE: 15-30 grams of fresh leaves, boiled or ground and then squeezed, drinking.

EXTERNAL USE: This plant sufficiently pulverized until like mush, attached to the hospital.

1. Bitten by a snake / bitten by other animals:
Tubers are crushed and then placed in the disorder.

2. Warts:
God 5 crushed leaves, and in places dilumurkan
warty, and then bandaged. Released the next day.

1. Injury hit, not coming period:
15-30 grams of boiled or ground herbs, taken the water, mix
with the already heated wine, drink.

2. Bleeding in women, breast swelling, coughing and
vomiting of blood:
1 (one) full bar (15 grams) is boiled, to drink.

3. Seizures in children:
Take 1 stick ground water, mixed with wine, minumkan.

4. The wound was struck, in the wind:
6-9 g of fresh tubers plus yellow wine (wong ciu) sufficiently,
then heated, drink.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Neutral, distinctive taste. Anti-coagulant, dilute blood clots, stimulate circulation, stop the bleeding. Eliminate heat and clean the toxins. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: saponins, essential oils, flavonoids.

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