Tuesday, December 1, 2009


(Luffa cylindrica [L.] Roem.))

L.aegyptica Mill., L. pentandra Roxb., L. cattupincinna Ser., L. faetida Sieb. et Zucc., L. petola Ser., Momordica L. cylirzdrica


Generally, blustru planted in fields, on the fence dirambatkan as vegetable crops, or grow wild in the bush, the river, and beaches. Herbaceous plant annuals, stem length can reach 2-10 m, climbing by tendrils (pembelit tool) that came out of the armpit leaves. Single leaf, petiole length of 4-9 cm, where the turns. Leaf blade broad oval, grooved fruit menjari 5-7, base heart-shaped leaves, leaves a bone protruding beneath the surface color of dark green leaves, the color beneath the surface of the young green leaves, 6-25 cm long, wide 7,5-27 cm. Unisexual flowers, is found in one tree. Crown of yellow flowers. Fruit hanging or lying on the ground, a round shape or elongated cylindrical, 10-50 cm long, with diameters of 5-10 cm, if the old brown. The inside of the ripe fruit is dense fiber matting. Seeds flat with the edge of the wing-shaped, smooth, black. Young fruit can disayur, being young leaves can digulai or dibotok. Sabutnya can be used to wash this tangga.Tanaman furniture can be propagated by seeds.http://ariyawanioryne.blogspot.com/

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Sumatra: blustru (Malays), - hurung Java, ketola, timput (Palembang). Java: lopang, Oyong (Sunda), bestru, blestru, blustru (Java). Maluku: dodahala (Halmahera), long petola, p. china. FOREIGN NAME: The cave luo (C), Patola, taboboc (Tag.), sponskomkommer, zeefkomkommer (B), sponge gourd, towel gourd, loofah (I). Name Simplisia Retinervus Luffae Fructus (fruit fiber blustru), Luffae Folium, (blustru leaves).http://ariyawanioryne.blogspot.com/

Curable Disease:
The nature and Benefits blustru sweet fruit, its cool, in the heart meridian, stomach, and kidneys. Blustru nutritious fruit as peluruh phlegm, stopping bleeding (hemostatis), a mild laxative (laxative), and cleaning of heat (the heat and feeling palpable heat in) and toxins. Blustru seeds taste bitter, cold nature, and toxic. Blustru nutritious seeds to remove the heat, peluruh urine (diuretic), stimulants vomiting (emetik), laxatives, stomach worm eradication (antelmintik), peluruh menstruation, and stimulates milk expenditures (laktagoga). Leaf efficacious to cleanse the blood and menstrual peluruh. Flowers blustru sweet, slightly bitter, and cold nature. Sweet coconut fiber, neutral in character, in the lung meridian, stomach, and liver. Fiber peluruh efficacious as sputum, pain relievers (analgesics), antirematik, as well as blood circulation and nerves. The root of sweet taste, neutral in character, efficacious blood circulation and eliminate swelling. Trunk bitter taste, cold nature, poisonous, in the heart meridian, spleen, and kidneys. Potent stem blood circulation and antelmintik. Blustru leaf extract could increase 10% guinea pig uterine contractions compared to the separate effects. Sekole kornutum. This increase was not caused by the ions Ca, Na, and K contained in the leaf extract blustru (Astuti, FF WIDMAN, 1989). Lemon, infusion, and the ethanol extract of the fruit can blustru clan merighambat motility of human spermatozoa viability of normal in vitro (Sila Hesti Rahayu, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, FF UNAIR, 1992). Providing seed isolates blustru inhibition effect in the process of sperm formation (spermatogenesis) mice (Day Dwi Mulyani, Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, FF UNAIR, 1992).

Parts used are all parts of plants, such as fruit, fruit leather, fruit stems, seeds, fiber, leaves, flowers, stems, and roots.

The fruit is used to overcome:
fever, thirst, cough shortness, whitish, irregular menstruation, breast milk (breast milk) is not smooth, hard bowel movements, bleeding, such as bloody urine, nosebleeds, and ulcers.

The seed is used to overcome:
face, hands, and leg swelling (edema), urinary tract stones, worms, back pain, and hemorrhoids.

Leaves are used to overcome:
shortness of breath, do not come menstruation (amenorrhea), inflammation of the testes (orchitis), burns, boils, ringworm, and bitten by a snake.

Fruit leather is used to overcome:
boils, abscesses rectal areas (tip of the large intestine), and wounds.

Flowers are used to overcome:
cough accompanied by shortness, sore throat, sinusitis, hemorrhoids, and ulcers.

Fiber is used to overcome:
chest pain, abdominal pain, backache, rheumatic joints, aching rheumatic pain, cough with phlegm, do not come menstruation, breast swelling, breast milk (milk) a little, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the testicles (orchitis), and ulcers.

Charcoal from the fiber is used for:
stop the bleeding, like bleeding outside of menstruation, bloody urine, and dysentery.

Roots are used to overcome:
migraine, back pain, sore throat, sores that do not want to break, and swollen breasts (mastitis).

Rod is used to overcome:
numbness, irregular menstruation, runny nose, and swelling (edema).

Fruit stalks are used for the treatment of:
chicken pox in children.

For drugs taken, herbs can be made in the following way.
Boiled or grilled fresh fruit 100-150 g or 10-15 g of dried fruit (fruit is burnt to a powder).
Boiled or gongseng 5-10 g seeds, then grind to a powder.
Boiled or 50-150 g of minced fresh leaves. Leaves the ground, then squeezed and feelings drinking water. Alternatively, dry leaves, then grind to a powder.
Simmer 10-15 g of flowers.
Boiled or roasted 10-15 g fiber. Fiber baked, and then milled to a powder.
Boil fresh roots 50-150 g or 5-15 g of dried roots. Apart from boiled, dried roots can be ground up into powder.
Boil stems or 50-100 mg for dry powders made.

For external use, apply the juice of fresh fruit to the sick place. In addition, treatment can also be done by applying powder dried fruit, seeds, dried leaves, coconut fiber, or rod in place of the sick. Water boiled leaves or roots can be used to wash the wound. Baked fruit leather to dry, then finely ground and added to wine in moderation, can be applied to the sick place. Fresh flowers are finely ground can be attached to the hospital.

a. Menstrual irregularities
Wash fruit blustru for 4 fingers clean, and scarring. Add 1 / 2 cup cooking water and the tip of a teaspoon of fine salt as he squeezed. Once well blended, this mixture is filtered squeezed clan. Drinking water collected at the same time. Do it 3 times a day.

b. Facilitate breastfeeding
Ripe fruit leaves blustru clan katuk be clear and vegetables can be consumed with rice.

c. Lumbago
1. Blustru seed Gongseng sufficiently until charred, then milled until smooth and add to the jar. If you want to use, take as much as 10 g and add to the 1 / 2 shot glass of wine. Toss well, then endapkan. The water was drunk at the same time, while the pulp is attributed to the waist the sick.
2. Wash roots blustru sufficiently, then grilled with a covered roof. Once dried, milled roots up into powder and put into jars. Every time use, take 10 g of powder, and add to the 1 / 2 shot glass of warm wine and drink at once.

d. Shortness of breath
S Wash leaves young blustru fresh clean. Furthermore, asapkan a while and eat with rice as lalap. Apply 2 times a day.

e. Cough accompanied by shortness of
10-15G Wash interest blustru clean, then boiled in three cups of water to one cup manjadi left. After chilling filtered, then add honey to the water filter and drink enough at the same time, 3 times a day do.

f. Migraine
Wash 150g fresh root blustru clean, then cut into pieces as needed. Enter two duck eggs, and then boiled in three cups of water until the remains into a glass. Once cool, strain the mixture and filter drinking water, while the egg rebusnya eaten.

g. Ulcers that do not want to break
Wash blustru roots of old plants until clean, then cut into pieces as needed. Next boiled in three cups of water until the remains into a glass. While warm, the water can be used to compress a boil.

Notes :
Pregnant women and anyone with a weak spleen function is forbidden to drink boiled these herbs.

If the pulp can be cooked as a vegetable in a hot block.

The fruit contains saponin triterpen, luffein (bitter substances), citrulline, and cucurbitacin. Sap contains saponins, mucus, fat, protein, xylan, and vitamins (B and C). Seeds contain fatty oils, squalene, a-spinasterol, cucurbitacin B, and proteins. Flowers contain glutamine, aspartic acid, arginine, lysine, and alanine. Fiber containing xylan, xylose, mannosan, galactan, saponin, cellulose, galactose, manitosa, and vitamins (A, B, and C). Leaves and stems contain saponins and tannins. Luffein efficacious as a mild laxative and has triterpen saponin spermatisidal activity (kills sperm) that can be developed as a contraceptive drug (family planning).http://ariyawanioryne.blogspot.com/

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