Tuesday, December 1, 2009


(Pluchea indica (L.) Less.)

Synonym: Baccharis indica, Linn.

Family: Compositae

Shrubs or half-shrubs. grow up to 2 m high, sometimes more. Branches many, ribbed smooth and fluffy. Grow wild in barren and ugly, or planted as a fence. There are up to 1,000 m above sea level. Short-stemmed leaves, where the turns, egg circularity breech, melancip round tip, serrated bright green color. Flowers left at the end of branches and leaves in the armpits-handled bulb-shaped flowers or sitting, the color purple. Fruit-shaped tops rather longkah, brown with white corners, lokos.http://ariyawanioryne.blogspot.com/

Local Name:
Beluntas (Indonesia), Luntas (Java), Baluntas (Madura); Baluntas, Baruntas (Sunda), Lamutasa (Makasar); beluntas (Sumatra), Lenaboui (East); Luan Yi (China).;

Curable Disease: Body odor, appetite, reduce heat, scabies, tuberculosis;

PART THAT USE: The whole plant, fresh / dried.

1. Eliminate body odor.
2. Digestive disorders in children and increase the appetite
3. Lower heat, sweat peluruh.
4. Scabies.
5. Neck gland tuberculosis (tuberculous cervical lymphadenitis)
6. Pain in rheumatik, back pain (Lumbago)

USAGE: 10 - 15 gr, braised.

1. Digestive disorders in children:
leaves mixed with strained gruel / Rice team.
2. Neck gland tuberculosis:
- Extra stems and leaves beluntas, extra skin gelatin from cow,
Laminaria japonica (sea grass). These materials steamed up
software, Ialu eaten.
- Laminaria japonica (sea grass)
3. Pain rheumatik: 15 gr beluntas roots, boiled, drinking.
4. Eliminate body odor: as a lalap.
5. Peluruh sweat, reduce the heat:
Leaves boiled, or brewed as a tea, drink.

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Smells typical (Sengir) and taste bitter. Leaves: increase appetite (Stomakik), helps digestion. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: alkaloids, essential oil.

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