Saturday, November 21, 2009


(Amaranthus tricolor L.)
Synonym: A.gangeticus
Family: Amaranthaceae.

Spinach originated from tropical America. Until now, these plants are scattered in tropical and subtropical regions throughout the world. In Indonesia, spinach can be grown throughout the year and was found at an altitude of 5-2000 m above sea level, to grow in hot and cold, but grows more fertile. lowland clearing the air a bit hot. Herba year, straight or slightly inclined, 0,4-1 m high, and branching. Stems weak and watery. Leaf-stemmed, oval, limp, 5-8 cm long, tip blunt, base tapering, and the color green, red, or green discharge. Interest in the skein of meetings, sitting at the bottom of the armpit, the top assembly into a wreath at the end of branching stems and armpits. Flower-shaped grains. Spinach sold in the market and usually consumed as a vegetable called spinach or spinach cabutan Sekul. There are three varieties of spinach are included in Amaranthus tricolor, which is usually green spinach, red amaranth (Blitum rubrum), which stems and leaves of red, white and spinach (Blitum album), green whitish. For information, spinach leaves and red stems containing a red liquid. Besides A. tricolor, there are other kinds of spinach, such as spinach snapper (A. hybridus), spinach with thorns (A.spinosus), and spinach Kotok / spinach ground (A. blitum). Type spinach is often cultivated A. tricolor and A. hybridus whereas other species grow wild spinach. Harvest spinach longest pull conducted over 25 days. After that, the quality will decrease because the leaves become stiff. Spinach can disayur nodes, made gado-gado, pecal, or boiled for lalap. Occasionally, young spinach leaves and the width is also used as a peanut brittle. Spinach plants can be propagated by seeds.

Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Jakarta: glatik spinach, b. White, B. red. Java: bayem abrit, b. weak, b ringgit, b. Sekul, b. siti. Maluku: Java lufife, gaahu ma tona, hohoru itoka tokara, aged roriha, Loda kohori. Foreign names: Chinese spinach (I) Name Simplisia: Amaranthi tricoloris Folium (leaf amaranth), Amaranthi tricoloris Radix (roots of spinach).

Curable Disease:
In general, the spinach plants can increase the work the kidneys and aid digestion. Red amaranth roots efficacious as a remedy dysentery. Spinach including fibrous vegetables that can be used to facilitate the process of defecation. Fiber foods are recommended for consumption by people with colon cancer, diabetic (diabetes mellitus), high blood cholesterol, and lose weight. Infusion of red spinach leaves 30% of oral can raise levels of serum iron, hemoglobin, and hematocrit anemic rabbits made significantly. The increase is not different when compared with groups fed rabbits sulfas ferosus. As a comparison, use distilled water. (Ernawati Santoso, Faculty of Pharmacy, WIDMAN, 1986).

Plant part used is the leaves and roots.

Spinach leaves is used for the treatment of:
purify the blood after birth,
strengthen hair roots,
low blood pressure,
less blood (anemia), and
kidney failure.

Roots used for treatment: dysentery

For drugs taken, provide 25-30 g of fresh leaves, then boiled and eaten as lalap. Besides boiling, spinach can also be blended to be drunk.
For external use only, minced fresh spinach leaves until smooth, then stick to the wounds of venomous animal bites.

Increasing the kidneys work, cleaning the blood after birth Spinach can be consumed in the form of clear vegetable.

Less blood
Wash the spinach leaves three red cell, then mashed until smooth. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice, then strain. Next, add one tablespoon of honey and a chicken egg yolk and stir until blended, then this potion and drink processing> 7atan done once a day for a week. Furthermore, treatment can be conducted twice a week until the disease cured.

Wash the roots of 10 stems of red spinach thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add salt teaspoon fine tip of a flat, stirring frequently, then strain. For treatment, drinking water filter at once.

Strengthen hair roots
Wash a bunch of leaves and stems fresh spinach thoroughly, then mash until smooth. Add salt teaspoon fine tip of a flat, stirring frequently. Next, squeeze and strain, and drink at once. Do it 2-3 times a week.

Patients with blood uric acid levels are high enough and arthritis Gout forbidden to consume the spinach too much because this vegetable contains a high purine. In the body, purines will dimetabolisir into uric acid.

For treatment, red amaranth is considered more nutritious than spinach green.

Spinach contains protein, fat, carbohydrates, potassium, iron, amarantin, routine, purines, and vitamins (A, B and C).

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