(Lantana camara Linn.)
= Lantana aculeata = L. antillana Rafin = L. mutabilis Salisb. = L. polyacanthus SCH. = L.scabrida Soland = L.viburnoides, Blanco.
Erect shrubs or half-climbing, much branched, branches form a rectangle, there are varieties of thorns, and there are varieties that are not high barbed + 2 m. There are up to 1700 m above sea level, in the heat, is widely used as a hedge, characteristic odor. Single leaf, sitting opposite end of the oval shape tapering edge of the jagged bone pinnate leaves, the upper surface hairy with lots of rough-haired beneath the surface of the touch rare. Interest in the series that is rasemos has white, pink, orange yellow, etc.. Fruits such as fruit buni shiny black when ripe.
Local Name:
Kembang satek, saliyara, saliyere, chicken manure, dung Kotok,; cente (Sunda) telek flowers, obio, puyengan, tembelek,; tembelekan, teterapan (Java), kamanco, mainco,; tamanjho (Madura), flower fences, wood Singapore , lai chicken; (Sumatra); Wu mei se (China).;
Curable Disease:
Influenza, tuberculosis, rheumatism, vaginal discharge, coughing blood, skin pain; ulcer, swelling, itching, fever, asthma, bruises;
PART THAT USE: Leaves, flowers, roots, dry.
1. Roots: influenza, tuberculosis glands, rheumatik, fluorine albus (white).
2. Interest: TB with coughing up blood, asthmatis.
3. Leaves: Drug skin, ulcers, swelling, itching, fever, rheumatik, bruises.
Fresh leaves are crushed and put into place a sick or boiled enough to wash the skin diseases, boils, wound bleeding, bruising, vaginal discharge.
- Pulmonary TB with coughing up blood: 6 - 10 gr. stewed dried flowers.
- Rheumatik: roots boiled enough to shower.
- Excess doses cause dizziness and vomiting.
- Pregnant women: should not be, the death of the fetus!
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Root: Taste sweet, cool. Fever, antidote to poison (antitoxic), relieving pain. Leaves: bitter taste, cool, smelly, somewhat poisonous (toxic). Eliminate itching (pruritus Anti), antitoxic, eliminate swelling. (anti-swelling). Flower: Taste sweet, cool, stopping bleeding (hemostatik). KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Leaf: Lantadene A (0,31-0,68%), lantadene B (0.2%), lantanolic acid, acid Atlantic, humulene (containing vaporized oil from 0.16 to 0.2%), beta - caryophyllene, gamma-terpidene, alpha-pinene, p-cymene.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 10:14 AM 0 komentar
(Apium graveolens, Linn.)
Celery (Apium graveolens) can grow well in low or high. Dikatageorikan celery plants as vegetables, celery plantations in Indonesia are in Brastagi, North Sumatra and West Java scattered in Pacet, PANGALENGAN and the berhawa Cipanas cool. Berbonggol plants and has a wet bar of this compound, can basically be divided into several types and include celery tuber can be eaten. Celery leaf in Indonesia used to supplementary vegetables (eg, for soup). For the ancient Romans used as a celery plant flowers. According to the botanical historian, celery has been used as a vegetable or XZII century in 1640, and recognized as a medicinal plant new scientifically in 1942. Celery plant breeding can be used 2 ways, namely through the seeds or the mass transfer of the child.
Local Name:
Celery (UK), Celeri (France), celery (Italy); Selinon, Parsley (Germany), Celery (Indonesia); Sledri (Java), Saledri (Sunda);
Curable Disease:
Hypertension, eye pain, rheumatic;
1. Hypertension
Ingredients: celery leaves to taste
How to make: squeezed with enough cooking water and then
How to use: drink 3 times a day 2 tablespoons, and
carried out regularly.
Note: excessive use of dangerous!
2. useful for eye drugs have the efficacy to overcome an eye
Ingredients: 2 stalks celery, spinach leaves 2 stems, 1 stem
How to make: all these ingredients together and then pounded
1 cup brewed with hot water and filtered.
How to use: the usual drink.
3. Rheumatic
Ingredients: 1 stalk celery
How to use: as a Lalapan eaten with every meal.
CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Celery has many nutrients, among others, (per 100 g): a. calories by 20 calories, b. 1 gram of protein C. d. 0.1 grams fat 4.6 grams carbohydrate e. calcium 50 mg f. g. 40 mg of phosphorus p. 1 mg iron Vitamin A 130 SI i. Vitamin B1 0.03 mg j. Vitamin C 11 mg and 63% of edible parts. Celery leaves apiin also contains, in addition to a diuretic substance is useful to increase the amount of urine.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 10:09 AM 0 komentar
(Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle.)
Lime (citrusaurantifolia) is one type of citrus Geruk. Lime plant species including shrubs that have a lot of branches and twigs. Woody trunk resilient and tough. Outer surface of the skin was dark and dull colored. Lime plants at the age of 2 1 / 2 years have started to bear fruit. The flowers are small sized white and round fruit of colored ping-pong ball (outer skin) green or yellowish. Lime fruit old sour taste. Citrus plants generally like places that can get direct sunlight. 1. A. Growing Conditions Climate · Elevation: 200 m - 1300 m above sea level · Annual Rainfall: 1000 mm - 1500 mm / year · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): 5 months - 12 months · month dry (below 60 mm / month): 0 months - 6 months · air temperature: 200 C - 300 C · Humidity: moderate - high · irradiation:'m b. Land · Type: latosol, alluvial, andosol. · Texture: sandy clay loam and clay loam · Drainage: well · ground water depth: 40 cm - 170 cm from the ground · rooting depth: 40 cm below the soil surface · acidity (pH): 4 - 9 · Fertility: moderate - High 2. Guidelines Bertanam a. Land · Make Pegolahan planting hole berukuran50 cm x 50 cm x 40 cm. · Land separated from the top of the ground beneath him, and then given manure. · Land be re-entered the lower part, followed the top soil. b. Preparation Seed · Orange juice can be propagated by grafting and grafting. c. Planting · seed planted in the planting hole that has been provided. Spacing · 6 m x 6 m
Local Name:
Lime (UK), Lima (Spain), Limah (Arabic); Lime (Indonesia), Orange pecel (Java); Limau acid (Sunda);
Curable Disease:
Tonsils, Malaria, Ambeien, shortness of breath, influenza, cough; hot pain, constipation, late period, when menstrual abdominal mules; dysentery, bowel, stomach Nausea, Fatigue, body odor, facial wrinkles;
1. Tonsil
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 1 / 2 turmeric rhizome of thumb
grated and 2 tablespoons honey;
Method: lime extorted to be taken the water, turmeric
grated and squeezed to take the water, then with dioplos
honey plus 1 / 2 cup water, stirring until evenly distributed, and
How to use: 2 days drunk on a regular basis.
2. Malaria
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, salt
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, then
dioplos with other materials and filtered;
How to use: drink each morning before breakfast.
3. Hemorrhoid
Ingredients: 2 - 4 slices of lemon roots;
How to make: boil with 1 1 / 2 liters of water to boiling
down to 1 liter, then filtered;
How to use: take every afternoon weara regularly.
4. Shortness of Breath
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, red onion 2 cloves, 1 egg chicken
ward, 1 teaspoon coffee powder, 1 piece of rock candy,
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, onion
red grated and mixed with other materials and
brewed with hot water to taste, stirring until evenly distributed,
then filtered;
How to use: drunk after breakfast on a regular basis.
5. Influenza
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 / 2 teaspoon eucalyptus oil, lime
betel sufficiently;
How to make: grilled lemon and squeezed for a moment
taken water, then mixed with the ingredients and stirred
up evenly, and filtered;
How to use: 1 times daily taken on a regular basis.
6. Coughing
a. Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 1 / 2 tablespoons soy sauce, salt
How to make: diperis lime water to be taken,
How to use: drunk regularly once a day for 1
b. Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 / 4 teaspoon nutmeg seed flour, 1
tablespoon eucalyptus oil;
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, then
dioplos with other ingredients until evenly;
How to use: used as a powder and applied to the
chest and back.
7. Fever
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 / 2 teaspoon coconut oil, 1 tablespoon
eucalyptus oil, 2-4 cloves garlic mashed red;
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, then
dioplos with other ingredients until evenly distributed,
How to use: used as a compress and liniment for
chest and back.
8. Constipation
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 2 - 4 cloves red onion, 1 tablespoon
eucalyptus oil, sour fruit taste, 2 tablespoons of cooking water;
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, then
mixed with other ingredients and blended together;
How to use: applied in the whole body, especially around
9. Telambat coming months
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, turmeric rhizome of 2 thumbs, lime
betel and salt to taste;
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, turmeric
grated and squeezed to take water, then all the materials
are evenly mixed and filtered;
How to use: 1 times daily drink.
10. Stomach mules at the time of menstruation menstruation
Ingredients: 1 orange juice, 1 1 / 2 ginger rhizome for the thumb, 3
eye fruit ripe tamarind, palm sugar 1 piece;
Method: lime extorted to be taken of water, ginger
grated, then all these ingredients are mixed and given a 3 / 4
cup cooking water and filtered;
How to use: should be taken on the first day of menstruation.
11. Dysentery
Ingredients: 2 slices of lemon roots;
Method: boiled with 2 1 / 2 cup water to boiling,
then filtered;
How to use: 1 times daily drink.
KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Orange juice contains elements that kiniia compounds bemianfaat. For example: limonen, linalin acetate, acetate geranil, fellandren and sitral. In addition Asani lime contains citrate. 100 grams of orange juice contains: - Vitamin C 27 mg, - 40 milligrams of calcium - phosphorus 22 mg, - 12.4 grams carbohydrate, - vitamin B 1 0.04 mg, - 0.6 milligrams of iron, - fat 0.1 grams - 37 grams of calories - protein and 0.8 grams - 86 grams of water. Lime contains elements of chemical compounds, among others limonen, linalin acetate, acetic geranil, fellandren, sitral and citric acid.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 10:04 AM 0 komentar
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Garlic (Allium sativum), including the genus in Indonesia afflum or commonly known as garlic. Garlic terna including bulbous plants classification layer or a composite cloves. Garlic berumpun grow and stand upright to a height of 30 -75 em, have stems that form pseudo-midrib of the leaf midrib. Strand of ribbon-like leaves, flattened and elongated shape. Garlic roots consist of small fibers that bejumlah lot. And each garlic bulb consists of a number of children onions (cloves) that each siungnya wrapped in white thin skin. Garlic is a plant originally highlands, is now in Indonesia, a particular type cultivated in the lowlands. Garlic is well developed in land elevation ranges from 200-250 meters above sea level. 1. A. Growing Conditions Climate · Elevation: 600 m - 1200 m above sea level · annual rainfall: 800 mm - 2000 mm / year · Month wet (above 100 mm / month): 5 months - 7 months · month dry (below 60 mm / month): 4 months - 6 months · air temperature: 150 C - 200 C · Humidity: high · irradiation:'m b. Land · Type: gromosol (ultisol). · Texture: sandy loam (soil) · Drainage: well · ground water depth: 50 cm - 150 cm from the ground · rooting depth: 15 cm above the ground · acidity (pH): 6 to 6.8 · Fertility: High 2. Guidelines Bertanam a. Land Pegolahan · Make ditch or trench with a width of 30 cm - 40 cm, in 30 cm - 60 cm. Excavated soil is used for beds as wide as 60 cm - 100 cm, length adapted to the needs, then dicangkul deep as 15 cm - 30 cm. · After 10 days - 15 days dicangkul return to form clots smooth, then given manure 10 tons - 15 tons / hectare. · Day before planting, beds wetted. b. Preparation Seed · seed comes from plants old enough (85 days - 135 days), healthy and not disabled. · Seeds stored in a dry room for about 5 months - 8 months suspended on the rack. · Afternoon for seed tubers derived from the weight of 5 g - 7.5 g / tuber. c. Planting · Make the planting hole as deep as 3 cm - 4 cm with Portugal. · Plug seedling with upright position, the end of the cloves on top and ¾ parts embedded in the ground cloves. · Sprinkle finely ground and evenly cover with straw after 3 cm. · Spacing 10 cm x 10 cm or 15 cm x 10 cm
Local Name:
Garlic (UK), Garlic (Indonesia), Onion (Java); Onion Bodas (Sunda), Onion handak (Lampung); Kasuna (Bali), Lasuna pute (Bugis), Bhabang Pote (Madura); Bring bodudo (Ternate) , Kalfeo foleu (East);
Curable Disease:
Hypertension, Asthma, Cough, Cold, Headaches, Pain yellow; shortness of breath, Busung water, Ambeien, constipation, contusion, abscess; sharps injury, insect bites, Parasitic Worms, Difficulty sleeping (Insomnia);
1. Hypertension
a. Ingredients: 3 cloves garlic,
Method: finely crushed garlic and squeezed by
enough water, filtered Ialu;
How to use: taken regularly every day.
b. Ingredients: 2 cloves garlic;
How to make: garlic roasted with fire;
How to use: to eat every morning for 7 days.
2. Asthma, coughs and colds
Baban: 3 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon honey and a sugar cube
Method: finely crushed garlic, then dioplos
with the other ingredients until evenly distributed and pressed / filtered;
How to use: take every morning to recover.
3. Headache
Ingredients: white onion;
Method: garlic corm boxed smooth;
How to use: for compresses on the forehead.
4. Yellow fever, shortness of breath and edema of water
Ingredients: 1 bulb garlic, 1 piece of rock candy for chicken eggs
How to make: garlic corm boxed smooth, then the second
material is boiled along with 3 cups water to boiling
and stir until evenly distributed, and filtered;
How to use: drink 2 times a day 2 tablespoons, morning and
5. Hemorrhoid
Ingredients: white onion;
Method: garlic corm boxed smooth, then squeezed
to take water;
How to use: applied around the anus each day.
6. Constipation
Ingredients: yogurt, garlic and onion to taste;
How to make: both materials are finely ground, pressed for
taken water, then mixed until evenly and filtered;
How to use: diminuni ordinary.
7. Bruising due to a stab wound or a blow
Ingredients: garlic and 1 tablespoon of honey;
Method: finely crushed garlic, then given 1
spoon of honey and mix until evenly;
How to use: spread on the injured part.
8. Sharps wounds rusty
Ingredients: white onion and coconut oil to taste;
How to make: garlic bulbs were burned, and then dipped into
in coconut oil and finely ground;
How to use: spread on the injured part.
9. Accelerating mature swollen abscess
Ingredients: white onion;
Method: garlic corm heated with oil paint,
then pounded fine;
How to use: posted on the swollen part.
10. To remove bits of glass, wood or thorns
Ingredients: white onion;
Method: garlic corm boxed smooth;
How to use: attached to the conceded baglan
splinters of glass, wood or thorns.
11. Insect sting
Ingredients: white onion, sendowo and salt to taste;
Method: garlic corm boxed smooth, then
mixed with other ingredients until evenly;
How to use: rub a body part that stung
12. Expel pinworms and helminth
Baban: push a couple cloves of garlic;
How to make: peeled and washed;
How to use: direct eaten.
13. Trouble sleeping (insomnia)
Ingredients: some garlic slung;
How to make: peeled and washed;
How to use: eaten immediately before bed.
KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: The garlic bulb per 100 grams contains: - 4.5 grams of protein. - 0.20 grams of fat, - 23 carbohydrate, 0 g 1, - vitamin B 1 0.22 mg, - vitamin C, 1 5 milligrams, - calories 95 calories, - posfor 134 milligrams - 42 miligrain calcium. - 1 milligram of iron and - 71 grams of water. In addition, several studies of garlic bulb contains an active substance awcin, awn, alinase enzymes, germanium, sativine, sinistrine, selenium, scordinin, nicotinic acid.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 10:01 AM 0 komentar
Ourouparia gambier Roxb. Nauclea gambier
Plant shrubs, 1-3 cm high. Stems upright, rounded, branching simpodial, pale brown color. Single leaf, opposite, oval, serrated edge, base rounded, tapered tip, 8-13 cm long, 4-7 cm wide, green color. Compound interest, the form of a bell, in the armpit leaves, more or less long, 5 cm, 5 I ielai crown oval, purple, oval fruits, more or less long, 1.5 cm, black color. Part Used Dried leaves Sari (gambier).
Local Name:
NAME Simplisia Terra Japonica, Gele catechu; Gambier.
Curable Disease:
Bitter and characteristic brown. KHASIAT Astringen and hemostatik. RESEARCH Zulfadli, 1989. Pharmacy, FMIPA UNAND. Microbiological tests have been carried out leaves and twigs extracts Gambier against several bacteria that causes diarrhea in vitro. From the results of these studies, it leaves and twigs extracts Gambier can inhibit the growth of bacteria causes diarrhea.
1. Dysentery.
2. Diarrhea.
3. Burns (external drug).
4. Injury (external drug).
5.Sariawan mouth (gargle).
6. Hoarse voice (mouthwash).
Diarrhea dose of herbs and ingredients: Turmeric Gambier Master piece of a piece of fresh Chinese Herba handful Patikan Water 110 ml How to manufacture: Made infusion. How to use: 1 times daily drink 100 ml.
Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 days. If not healed immediately taken to the nearest doctor. A hoarse voice and Sprue Mouth Remedy: Gambir Leaf Sirih fresh piece of 3 strands of Water 110 ml How to manufacture: Made infusion or seduhan.
How to use: To rinse 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, each time 100 ml. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 7 days.
Note There are several forms of Gambier, among others:
1. Gambir Bulat.
2. Gambir Board.
3. Gambir Paku.
Gambier is an essential ingredient for chewing betel nut (nginang). The habit of chewing betel nut healthy gums, teeth, and throat.
Chemical content of catechins, kuersetin, tanning substances catechins, catechins red, mucus, fat, and night.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:58 AM 0 komentar
Flowers Tasbih
(Canna indica Linn.)
Canna orientalis, Roscoe. Canna patens, Roscoe.
Terna large, annual, to 2 m. high, the soil has a thick rhizome like sweet potatoes. Leaves large and broad, green clear nyirip (some colored tengguli). Large flowers with bright colors (red, yellow) are arranged in the form of a series of bunches. Fruit of kendaga fruit, seeds many, unanimously. Almost always grown as an ornamental plant, but grows wild in the forests and mountainous areas to a height of 1000 above sea level. Other types, Canna edulis Go Gawl. (Canna discolor) has a smaller flower petals, green leaves with a ping tengguli more tengguli. Grown as ornamental plants, edible rimpangnya, in Australia as a producer of flour which is known as "arrowroot of Queensland".
Local Name:
Gany forest (Malays), Nyong wana, Canna discolor pads (Java); Ganyol Leuweung (Sunda), Puspanyidra; Mel gene jiao ren (China);
Curable Disease:
Fever, hypertension, dysentery, Keputihan, Sick yellow; Coughing blood, bloody wounds, Inflammation of purulent skin, acne; menstruating much;
PART THAT USE: The root and rhizome (fresh or dried), flowers (dried).
PURPOSE: - Penurun hot (antipyretic), high blood pressure, chronic dysentery, metrorrhagia (menstrual many), white (leucorrhoe), jaundice (icteric acute hepatitis), coughing up blood (hemoptysis). - Use external: bleeding wound, purulent inflammation of the skin, acne (acne vulgaris).
USAGE: The root / rhizome: 15 - 30 gr. dry or 30 to 60 gr. wet.
Flower: 10 - 15 gr. EXTERNAL USE: The root / rhizome of fresh crushed, and put the sick place.
1. Acute icteric hepatitis: Drink boiled roots of beads: 60 - 120 gr (maximum dose 250 gr.) Daily, divided 2 times drinks, for 20 days, maximum 47 days.
2. Stop the bleeding: 10 - 15 gr. flower beads, boiled, drinking.
3. Whitish: 15 - 30 gr. root beads sticky chicken: in the team.
NATURE AND EFFECTS KIMAWI FARMAKOLOGI: Taste a bit sweet, cool, fever, lower blood pressure, sedatives (tranqui-lizer). CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Rhizome 6 substances contain phenols, terpenes 2 and 4 coumarin, starch, glucose, alkaloids and sap entry.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:55 AM 0 komentar
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Bancudus latifolia, Rumph.
Noni (Morinda citrifolia), including copies of copies. Noni can grow in low to land at an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Noni is a native plant of Indonesi. This plant has a trunk is not too big with tree height 3-8 m. The leaves are piled face to face, leaves 20-40 cm long and 7-15 cm wide. Relationship hump-shaped flowers small and white. Shiny green fruit and fruit shape with an oval buni trotol-trotol variations. Many small seeds and small-fruit found in the flesh. In general, plant breeding mengkudu wild in the forests or cultivated margins of home gardens.
Local Name:
Noni (Indonesia), Pace, Kemudu, Kudu (Java); Cengkudu (Sunda), Kodhuk (Madura), Wengkudu (Bali);
Curable Disease:
Hypertension, yellow pain, fever, influenza, cough, abdominal pain; Remove scales on feet;
1. Hypertension Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that have been cooked in the tree and 1 tablespoon of honey. How to Make: mengkudu squeezed fruit to take the water, then mixed with the honey until evenly and filtered. How to use: drinking and repeated 2 days.
2. Sick Yellow Ingredients: 2 Noni fruit that have been cooked in the tree and 1 piece of rock candy. How to Make: mengkudu squeezed fruit to take the water, then mixed with the honey until evenly and filtered. How to use: drinking and repeated 2 days.
3. Fever (in the wind and infuenza) Ingredients: 1 Noni fruit and rhizome kencur 1; How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. How to use: 1 drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
4. Cough Ingredients: Noni fruit and 1 ½ handful of leaves poo (bujanggut); How to Make: The second material is boiled with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup, and then filtered. How to use: 1 drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
5. Abdominal pain Ingredients: 2-3 How to Make Noni leaves: finely crushed, plus salt and poured boiling hot water. How to use: after a cold filtered and drunk.
6. Remove scales on the feet Material: Noni fruit that is ripe on the tree. How to use: the legs are rubbed with bersiisik mengkudu fruit until evenly, and left for 5-10 minutes, then cleaned with a clean cloth dampened with warm water.
Mengkudu buni fruit plants that have been cooked a scent that is not delicious, but contains a number of substances believed to treatment. The content of these substances include Morinda diol, morindone, morindin, damnacanthal, methyl acetyl, acid kapril and sorandiyiol.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:51 AM 0 komentar
(Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk.)
= Eclipta prostrata (Linn.) = E. et marginata alba, Boiss. = E. prostratan et erecta, Linn. = E. erecta, Linn. = E. Wall parcifloran. = E. Gandog philippinensis. = E. thermalis Bunge - Verbesina alba, Linn.
Compositae (Asteraceac)
Types of many-stemmed weeds, growing in the open on the street, clearing the edge of the gutter, from the shore to a height of 1500 m. above sea level. Higher plants reached 80 cm., Grow upright position sometimes lie. Round, green stems brown, somewhat rough-haired white color. Green leaf oval shape elongated, tapered tip of the leaf, finely serrated edge or nearly flat, both surfaces hairy leaves, was a little rough. Compound flower-shaped white hump small. The fruit is elongated, flat, hard and hairy.
Local Name:
Goman, urang aring (Java), te-lenteyan (Madura),; Leaf properties, keremak janten (Sumatra), Leaf ink (Banda); Mo han lian (China).;
Curable Disease:
Vomiting blood, nosebleeds, blood urine, dysentery, hepatitis; diarrhea, bleeding from the uterus, Poor nutrition, Keputihan, graying;
PART THAT USE: The whole plant, fresh or dried.
1. Stop the bleeding in vomiting blood (haematemesis),
coughing up blood (hemoptoe), nosebleeds (epistaxis), blood urine
(haematuria), dysentery (melena), bleeding of the uterus (uterine
2. Chronic hepatitis, diarrhea,
3. Poor nutrition in children (infantile malnutrition).
4. Whitish (leucorrhoe),
5. Graying hair (gray) at a young age.
6. Neurasthenia.
USAGE: 30-120 grams fresh. Dried or made
Crushed fresh herbs is attributed to the sick, or
boiled fresh herbs, to wash in: Eczema, tinea pedis (fungal), ulceration (including ulceration in the head), wound bleeding, swollen gums, hair fertilizer.
1. Swollen gums:
Fresh baked until dry, powdered (with
processing). Apply powder to the place of the sick.
2. Hair fertilizer:
1 handful of crushed leaves eclipta alba, plus 2 cups water,
filtering. Air filters are condensed one night.
How to use: with wetted scalp massage, daily
3. Ulceration in the head:
Eclipta alba enough boiling water to wash the head,
pulp rubbed into the sore. Or
crushed fresh herbs, water is applied to the sore feelings.
1. Whitish:
30 grams of fresh alba plus eclipta sari (broth) steamed chicken, drinking.
2. Nosebleed:
1 handful fresh alba eclipta washed, then crushed, squeezed.
Water feelings plus 5 shots of white water, steamed so hot.
Drink 2 times a day, after meals.
3. Diarrhea: 30 grams of freshly boiled eclipta alba, drinking.
4. Coughing blood:
60 grams of fresh crushed eclipta alba, blackmailed.
Water feelings brewed hot water, drink.
5. Vomiting blood:
120 grams of crushed fresh herbs, water, water plus feelings
sufficiently small boy urinating, drinking.
DRUG PATENTS: Qiangshengbuganpian.
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Sweet, sour, cool. Stop the bleeding. (Hemostatic), lower the heat (antipyretic), anti-poison (antitoxic). These herbs in the liver and kidney meridians. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Ecliptine, AlfaTerthienylmethanol, 2 - (Buta-1 ,3-diynyl) -5 - (but-3-en-1-ynyl) thiophene, 2 - (Buta-1 ,3-diynyl) -5 - (4 -chloro-3-hydroxybut-1-ynyl) thiophene, 5 - (3-Buten-1-ynyl) -2.2 '-bithienyl-5'-methyl acetate, wedelolactone.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:48 AM 0 komentar
Red Onion
Amaryllidaceae (Liliaceae).
Herbaceous annuals, not trunked. Single leaf layer hugged tuber. Tuber layers thick and fleshy, red-white color. Perbungaan hump-shaped, flower-shaped oval. Round stone fruit, green. Seeds black triangle. Used parts Umbi layers.
Local Name:
NAME OF AREA: Onion brother ruby (Aceh); Pia (Batak); Onion brother (Palembang); Onion Sirat, Barambang Sirat, red garlic (Minangkabau); Onion torches (Lampung); Onion beureum (Sunda); scallions, scallions brother ( Java); Bhabang mera (Madura); Jasun bang, Jasun ruby (BaIi); Lasuna mahamu, Ransuna mahendeng, Yantuna mopura, Dansuna rundang, Lasuna Randang, Lansuna mea, Lansuna Raindang (North Sulawesi); Bawangi (Gorontalo); Laisuna pilas , Laisuna mpilas (Bread); Kalpeo meh (East); Bowang wulwul (Kai); Kosai Miha; Bring rohiha (Ternate); Bring kahori (Tidore). FOREIGN NAME: NAME Simplisia Cepae Bulbus; Umbi Red Onion layers.
Curable Disease:
Warms characteristic, taste and odor. KHASIAT Bakterisid, expectorant, and diuretic. RESEARCH M. Jufri Samad, 1987. Pharmacy FMIPA UNHAS. Has researched the influence of tuber extract Red Onion layers to decrease blood sugar levels to normal rabbits. From the results of these studies, it turns out Red Onion bulb extract at a dose of 250 mg / kg bb, causing decreased blood sugar levels to normal by 23.46%. In granting tolbutamid dose 250 mg / kg orally bb, showing a decline in blood sugar levels to normal by 22.21%, and the provision of distilled water with a dose of 5 ml / kg orally bb showed a decrease to normal blood sugar levels by 3.00%. Tri Purwaningsih, 1991. Pharmacy FMIPA UI. Has conducted research Red Onion protective effect on liver damage due to carbon tetraklorida.Dari these findings, it was Red Onion inhibit the increase of plasma GPT and liver tissue damage due to CCl4.
1. Cough.
2. Irregular menstruation.
3. Diabetes.
4. De-worming.
5. Fever in children (external drug).
6. Flatulence in children (external drug).
Herbs and dosages
Shallot bulbs 4 grams
Leaves 4 grams of fresh Poko
Leaves fresh Sembung 3 grams
Centella asiatica fresh herbs 4 grams
2 grams of Fennel fruit
Water 125 ml
How to manufacture:
Dipipis, made infusion or pills.
How to use:
Taken 1 time a day, 100 ml morning. If dipipis taken 1 time a day 1 / 4 cup. pills, taken 3 times a day 9 pill.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.
Tubers of the Red Onion (chopped) 4 grams
Fruit Beans (chopped) 15 grams
Salam leaves (chopped) 10 pieces
Water 120 ml
How to manufacture:
Created infusion.
How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.
Fever and Stomach
Bloating in Children
Tubers of the Red Onion (thin slices) to taste
Coconut oil to taste
Kayu Putih Oil to taste
How to manufacture:
How to use:
Oil is applied to a bloated stomach, the whole body, legs, and the tangnn fever in children.
Essential oils, sikloaliin, metilaliin, dihidroaliin, flavonglikosida, kuersetin, saponins, peptides, fitohormon, vitamins, and substance starch.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:45 AM 0 komentar
Dadap spare
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Erythrina lithosperma Miq. non Bl.
Papilionaceae (Leguminosae).
Plant a tree. There are thorny stems and there are subtle. Leaves of three united and rhombic. Used Part The leaves and bark.
Local Name:
NAME Simplisia Erythrinae Folium; Leaf Dadap spare.
Curable Disease:
Characteristic bitter, cooling, and cleaning the blood. KHASIAT Leaves: antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. Leather Wood: Expectorants. RESEARCH Roswina Silalahi, 1988. Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA USU. Has conducted research antipyretic effects and IV results penyarian Dadap spare leaf of a dove. From the results of these studies, infusion of leaves proved efficacious as a spare Dadap antipyretic, whereas the results with chloroform penyarian no antipyretic effect. As a control used paracetamol suspension 300 mg / kg bb. Roy Mustakin, 1992. Department of Pharmacy, FMIPA UNAND. Mentors: Drs. Rusdi, M.S. and Dra. Armenia, M.S. Have made filtering pharmacodynamic activity of ethanol extract of leaves of several species of Erythrina (E. orierrtalis, irtdica E., and E. litliospernla). From the results of these studies, it was the third ethanol leaf extract has a suppression of activity of the central nervous system, muscle relaxation and simpatolitik the simpatomimetik. Analgesic activity only found in E. indica and F. litlnosperrrla. The intensity of the effect increases with increasing doses administered. Christine Gunawan, 1993. Faculty of Pharmacy, WIDMAN. Mentors: Drs. Soemartojo. Has researched the influence of the infusion of leaves Dadap spare milk production in lactating mice. From the results of these studies, there were significant differences in milk production Dadap infusion spare 40%.
-Facilitate breastfeeding.
-Sprue stomach.
-Preventing miscarriage (external drug).
-Childbirth (external drug).
-Bleeding inside (outside medicine).
-Abdominal pain (external drug).
-Sprue stomach.
Herbs and dosages
Stomach ulcers
Dadap bark spare 3 grams
3 grams Sidowayah
4 leaves fresh Prasman grams
The root of Chinese honey 4 grams
Water 110 ml
How to manufacture:
Created infusion.
How to use:
Taken 1 time a day 100 ml.
Duration of treatment:
Repeated for 14 days.
Bleeding / inflammation of the Inner
Fresh leaves enough spare Dadap
Enough water
How to manufacture:
Dipipis to form a paste.
How to use:
Dibalurkan estimated at the inner bleeding.
Duration of treatment:
Updated every 3 hours.
Stomach pain
Stomach was churning, stools containing blood and mucus. In addition to taking medication for it, given the stomach Tapel with the following formula:
Fresh leaves enough spare Dadap
Duck bill leaves to taste
Enough water
How to manufacture:
Dipipis to form a paste.
How to use:
Dibalurkan the stomach.
Duration of treatment:
Updated every 3 hours.
In addition to lowering drugs were given hot drinks, to accelerate the decline in body temperature can be compressed with a spare leaf dipipis Dadap smooth.
Preventing Miscarriage
For women who often suffer a miscarriage, to prevent that, in addition to rest each day leaves the stomach is compressed with a spare dipipis Dadap smooth. Bobokkan rather thick and put the octopus.
Mothers after delivery is often experienced childbirth. To maintain the health of the mother, can be used spare bobokan Dadap leaves and wearing an octopus.
Alkaloid, eritradina, eritrina, eritramina, hipaforina, and erisovina.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:42 AM 0 komentar
Plumeria acuminata, Ait. P. acuminata, Roxb. P. acutifolia, Poir. P. alba, Blanco. P. obtusa, Lour. P. rubra, Linn. acutifolia from Woods. P. rubra, Linn. var. acutifolia (Poir) Bailey.
Cambodia morphology of plants from this area of tropical America and Africa, including ornamental plants, frangipani varieties of plants consists of several types including: Cambodia white and red frangipani / Cambodia Japan. Trunk: high hard woody stems, reaching 6 meters, many ramifications, a large main trunk, the young branch of software, the stem tends to bend and gummy. Leaf: leaf green, oval shape with pointed ends and a little tough with the leaf veins are prominent, often fall out, especially during heavy flowering, flowers: The flowers are trumpet shaped, appeared at the ends of stems, leaves, flowers amounted to 5 fruits, flowering throughout the year. Growing Conditions: Growing up in the fertile plains to a height of land 700 meters above sea level, thrives almost everywhere, and not choosing a certain climate to grow biaknya.
Local Name:
Cambodia (Indonesia), SEMBOJA (Java), Flower jebun (Bali); Samoja, Kamoja (Sunda), Flower lomilate (Gorontalo); Campaka molja / baskets (Madura), Pandam (Minangkabau); Karasuti, Kolosusu, Tintis (Minahasa) , Capaka faction (Tidore);
Curable Disease:
Gonorrhea (Gonorrhea), swelling, ulcer;
1. Urinary Pus (Gonorrhea) Ingredients: 1 Cut the roots of frangipani Method: boiled with a glass of water until boiling. How to use: 1 times daily drink 1 cup.
2. Patek, Puru (Frambusia) Material: leather 2 frangipani shingle Method: finely crushed and boiled with 1 pot of water to boiling. How to Use: used for bathing and rubbing the wound.
3. Recovering swelling Material: leather shingle cambodia 1 Method: finely crushed and boiled with water to 0.5 boiling kettle. How to use: used to soak the swollen body parts.
4. Ulcer a. Materials: leaves, frangipani and coconut oil Method: dilemaskan frangipani leaves and smeared with coconut oil. How to use: attached to a boil part b. Ingredients: Sap Cambodia How to make: take the sap of the frangipani tree How to use: apply on the part of the ulcer.
Tree Sap Cambodia (Plumeria acuminata) contains a type of rubber compound, triterpenoid amyrin, lupeol, kautscuk and resin. Gynecology mrnguapnya oil consists of geraniol, sitronellol, linallol, farnesol and fenetilalkohol.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:40 AM 0 komentar
Perry Syzygium. Eugenia caryophyllata, Thumberg. E.caryophyllus, Sprengel. Caryophyllus aromaticus, Linn. Jambos carryhophyllus, Spreng.
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum), including shrubs plant species that can have a big tree and woody hard, clove to survive tens and even hundreds of years, height can reach 20 -30 meters and branches thick enough. The branches of the clove plant is generally long and filled with small twigs are easily broken. Crown or also commonly known as clove tree canopy cones. Clove leaf green elongated oval shape with the tip and angled panggkalnya, have average sizes ranging from 2-3 cm in width and length of leaves without stems ranged 7.5 -12.5 cm. Flower and fruit cloves will appear at the end of the leaf with the stem branches pendekserta bertandan. By the time young clove flower color purplefish, then changed to greenish yellow and turned back to pink when they are old. Keringakan clove flowers are dark brown color and taste for spicy essential oil contains. Generally clove first fruiting at the age of 4-7 years. Clove plants will grow well if enough water and get direct sunlight. In Indonesia, cloves are planted fits well in the low land areas near the coast or in the mountains at an altitude of 900 meters above sea level.
Local Name:
Clove (UK), Clove (Indonesian, Javanese, Sundanese),; Wunga Lawang (Bali), Cangkih (Lampung), Sake (Nias); Bungeu mace (Gayo), clutches (Bugis), Sinke (Flores); Canke (Edge view), Gomode (Halmahera, Tidore);
Curable Disease:
Cholera, black eyebrows, Adding heart rate; Measles;
1. Cholera and increase heart rate Ingredients: Flowers dried clove How to use: water disesap chewed, made every day. Clove oil can strengthen the intestinal and gastric secretions and increase the number of white blood.
2. Measles Ingredients: 10 clove flower seeds and rock sugar Method: clove flowers soaked in water overnight and then cooked together with sugar cubes and stir until evenly distributed. How to menggunaka: drunk little by little
3. Blacken eyebrows Ingredients: 5-7 dried clove flower seeds and walnut oil. How to make: baked clove flower until charred, then pounded until smooth and combined with walnut oil to taste. How to use: spread on the eyebrows every afternoon.
Flowers clove (Syzygium aromaticum) in addition to containing essential oils, also contain a chemical compound called eugenol, oleanolat acid, acid galotanat, fenilin, karyofilin, resin and gom.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:37 AM 0 komentar
(Kaempferia galanga, Linn.)
Kaempferia galanga (Kaempferia galanga), including interest and Zingiberaceae plants classified as a medicinal plant medicinal species that have the most tender meat and no fiber. Powder is a small terna thrives in low lying areas or mountain soil loose and not too much water. Rhizome kencur having a specific scent. Kencur fruit flesh is white and brown shell. Number of leaf blade kencur no more than 2-3 pages dealing with the composition. The flowers are arranged half sitting with a crown of flowers amounted to between 4 to 12 fruit, flower lips berwara white violet is dominant. Powder grow and develop in a particular season, ie in the rainy season. Powder can be planted in pots or in the garden enough sunlight, not too wet and in the open.
Local Name:
Powder (Indonesia, Java), Cikur (Sunda), Ceuko (Aceh); Kencor (Madura), Cekuh (Bali), Powder, Sukung (Minahasa); Asauli, sauleh, soul, umpa (Ambon), Cekir (Sumba);
Curable Disease:
Stomach Inflammation, Inflammation of the ear children, influenza in infants; Cold, Headache, cough, blood Eliminate dirty; Diarrhea, Heavy menstruation, Eye Pegal, sprains, fatigue;
1. Stomach Inflammation
Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur registration thumb.
How to make: kencur skinned and chew thoroughly;
How to use: swallow the water, pulp removed, then
drink 1 glass of water, and repeated until healed.
2. Child Ear Inflammation
Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur for your thumb and ½ nutmeg seed.
How to make: both materials are finely ground and given 2
tablespoons warm water;
How to use: applied / dibobokkan around the nose.
3. Influenza in infants
Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur for your thumb and 2 bay leaves
cubeb (tailed pepper / Cubeb)
How to make: both materials are finely ground, then
plus a few tablespoons of warm water.
How to use: applied / dibobokkan around the nose.
4. Masuk Angin
Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur for thumb and salt to taste.
How to make: kencur skinned clean.
How to use: kencur eaten with salt to taste,
then drink 1 glass of water putih.Dapat done 2 times a day.
5. Headaches
Ingredients: 2-3 kencur leaves.
Method: kencur leaves until finely crushed.
How to use: applied (as a compress / pilis) on the forehead.
6. Coughing
a. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur for thumb and salt to taste.
How to make: kencur grated, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered.
How to use: drink with added salt.
b. Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur registration thumb.
How to make: kencur skinned and chew thoroughly;
How to use: the water is swallowed, pulp discarded. Performed routinely every morning.
7. Diarrhea
a. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur for thumb and salt to taste.
How to make: kencur grated, then add 1 cup of warm water, squeezed and filtered.
How to use: in the stomach as diolsekan powder.
b. Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur for thumb and salt to taste.
How to make: kencur grated, then add salt to taste.
How to use: applied to the abdomen as a powder.
8. Eliminate Dirty Blood
Ingredients: 4 rhizome kencur of thumb, 2 sheets trengguli leaves, 2 cloves of dry seeds,
pulawaras fennel taste.
Method: boil all these ingredients together with 1 liter of water to boiling and then
How to use: drink 2 times a day on a regular basis.
9. Streamlining menstrual
Ingredients: 2 rhizome kencur of thumb, 1 sheet trengguli leaf, fruit seeds 1 clove old,
pulawaras fennel taste.
How to make: kencur chopped, then mixed with other ingredients and boil together
with 3 cups water to boil down to 2 cups, and then filtered.
How to use: once a day to drink 2 cups.
10. Eyes Pegal
Ingredients: 1 piece of rhizome
How to make: kencur split into 2 parts.
How to use: wet surfaces used to rub eyelids.
11. Sprain
Ingredients: 1 rhizome kencur and rice that have been soaked in water.
How to make: both material and enough water dipipis.
How to use: applied / digosokan on the sprained part as powder.
12. Eliminate Fatigue.
Ingredients: 1 large rhizome kencur, 2 tablespoons rice fried without oil (couple) and 1 seeds
Method: boil all these ingredients together with 2 cups water to boiling
down to 1 cup, and then filtered.
How to use: drink one time and repeated until healed. For men can
plus 1 piece galangal and pepper powder to taste.
KANDUNGAN CHEMISTRY: Rhizome Powder containing starch (4.14%), minerals (13.73%), and essential oil (0.02%) sineol form, methyl acid and penta kanil independence, cinnamic acid, ethyl aster, sinamic acid, borneol, kamphene, paraeumarin, anisic acid, alkaloids and gom.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:32 AM 0 komentar
Aloe Vera
(Aloe Vera Linn.)
Aloe barbadensis, Mill. Aloe vulgaris, Lamk.
Wild plants where heat or berhawa planted in pots and the yard as an ornamental plant. The leaves are shaped somewhat sharp spurs, a thick, brittle, jagged edges / small spiny, mottled surface, 15-36 cm long, 2-6 cm wide, long-stemmed flowers 60-90 cm, reddish-yellow flowers (orange), Many in northern Africa, West Indies. a. Aloe Vera Plant stems short trunked. Stem is not visible because it was covered with leaves that meeting and some buried in the ground. Through the boom will come the shoots which makes subsequent seedling. Aloe Vera is a long-stemmed also emerged from the trunk through cracks or armpit leaves. Trunk Aloe Vera can also disetek for plant propagation. Replanting is done by cutting out the leaves and stems, then the rest of this stem stump will appear new shoots or saplings. b. Leaf Leaf Aloe Vera plants with leaf-shaped ribbon stretching. Thick fleshy leaves, no bones, green-gray, succulent bersifaat (many contain water) and many contain latex or mucus (gel) as a raw material medicine. Aloe vera plants resistant to drought because of the leaves of many backup stored water can be used at the time of water shortage. Form of sword-like leaves with pointed tip, leaf surface wax coated, with a thorn dipinggirnya limp. The length of the leaf can reach 50 to 75 cm, weighing 0.5 kg - 1 kg, the leaves curled tightly around the stem bersaf ranks. c. Aloe Vera Flowers yellow or reddish in the form of a gathering pipeline, out of the armpit leaves. Flowers are small, arranged in the form of a series of bunches, and the length can reach 1 meter. Flowers usually appear when planted in the mountains. d. Roots Roots of Aloe Vera plant roots and short fibers in the ground. Root length between 50 - 100 cm. To grow plants that require fertile soil and the soil at the top.
Local Name:
Aloe vera (Indonesia), Crocodiles tongues (England); Jadam (Malaysia), Salvila (Spain), Lu hui (China);
Curable Disease:
Shampoo, beverages, worm medicine, burn, ulcer, wounds fester; tonsils, eye pain, Sprain, Cosmetics, Acne;
PART THAT USE: Leaves, flowers, roots, fresh consumption,
1. Headache, dizziness.
2. Constipation (Constipation).
3. Seizures in children, malnutrition (Malnutrition).
4. Whooping cough (Pertussis), vomiting blood.
5. Diabetes mellitus (DM), hemorrhoids.
6. Peluruh. menstruation.
7. Hair fertilising.
Leaves .. 10 to 15 grams, if the shape of the pill: 1.5 to 3 grams.
Or a powder (flour) for topical use.
Leaves used for ulceration, eczema, boils, burns, scalded, headache (as pilis), dentis caries (cavities), fertilising hair.
a. Hair fertilizer:
Fresh Aloe vera leaves split enough, taken part in
which seems like jelly, rubbed into the scalp after
evening bath, then wrapped in cloth, the next day
washed hair. Used every day for 3 months to achieve
b. The wound burned and scalded (light):
Leaves washed well, take part in, stick to the
the body affected by the fire / hot water.
c. Ulcer:
Crushed leaves plus a little salt, stick to the boil.
1. Diabetes mellitus (DM):
1 stick washed aloe, made thorns, cut into pieces
necessary boiled with water until 3 galas to 1 1 / 2 galas
Drink a day 3 x 1 / 2 cup, after every meal.
2. Whooping cough:
Leaves approximately 15 to 18 cm, boiled and then added sugar, drink.
3. Syphilis: Interest plus meat: Boiling, drinking.
4. Worms, difficulty urinating:
15 to 30 grams of dried root boiled aloe vera, drink.
5. The wound was struck, injured in (vomiting history):
10 to 15 grams of dried flowers boiled aloe vera, drink or flowers
steamed with white wine, for external use.
6. Urinating blood:
15 grams of Aloe vera leaves is squeezed, plus 30 grams of sugar, plus
enough rice water, drink.
7. Hemorrhoids:
1 / 2 aloe vera leaves, stems removed, prickly thorns, wash clean
then shredded. Add 1 / 2 cup of boiled water and 2 tablespoons
eat honey, stir, strain. Drink 3 times a day.
8. Constipation:
1 / 2 sticks washed aloe leaves and the skin and bones discarded,
it chopped, and then brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water and
add 1 tablespoon of honey, warm food, daily
2 times.
Forbidden to wear for pregnant women, disorders of the digestive system and diarrhea.
CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND EFFECTS pharmacological: Taste bitter, cold. Anti-inflammatory, laxative (Laxative), parasitiside. These herbs into the heart meridian, liver and pancreas. CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Aloin, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloe-emodin, aloenin, aloesin.
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:28 AM 0 komentar
(Piper betle, Linn.)
Chavica auriculata Miq. Artanthe hixagona.
Betel (Piper betle), including types of vines and leaning on another tree. The plant is capable of reaching tens length meters. The shape resembles a flat leaves and stems heart rather long. Surface of green leaves and smooth, while the green trunk tembelek (slightly brownish green) and rough surface of skin and wrinkled. Besides betel leaf ingredients for drugs are still frequently used by mothers older generation for completeness 'nginang' (Java). Usually completeness for 'nginang' is betel leaf, betel, areca nut, gambier, and cardamom.
Local Name:
Bethel (France), Bethel, Betelhe, Vitele (Portugal); Box (Indonesia), Tell, Sedah (Java), Seureuh (Sunda); Ju jiang (China).;
Curable Disease:
Eye pain, eczema, bad breath, itchy skin, eliminate acne; Bleeding gums, Nosebleed, bronchitis, cough, Sprue, Luka; Keputihan, Heart disease, syphilis, Allergy / biduren, diarrhea, tooth pain;
1. Reduce excessive milk products
Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf and coconut oil to taste.
Method: betel leaf smeared with coconut oil, then
baked with fire.
How to use: in a state embedded in the still warm
around the breasts.
2. Whitish
Ingredients: 7 to 10 pieces of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2.5 liters of water to boiling.
How to use: betel leaf boiled water is in a state
still warm used for washing / cleaning around
genitals repeatedly.
3. Heart Pain
Ingredients: 3 pieces of betel leaf, 7 pairs of cubeb seeds, 3 cloves garlic
red, white 1 tablespoon cumin.
How to make: all of these ingredients until finely ground,
plus 5 tablespoons of hot water, left a few minutes, then
squeezed and filtered.
How to use: 1 drink 2 times a day and carried out
4. Syphilis
Ingredients: 25 to 30 pieces of betel leaf with the stem; 0.25 kg of sugar
sugar and salt to taste.
Method: boil all these ingredients together with 2 liters
water until boiling, then filtered.
How to use: 1 drink 3 times a day continuously.
5. Allergy / biduren
Ingredients: 6 pieces of betel leaf, 1 slice of ginger yellow, 1.5 tablespoons
eucalyptus oil.
How to make: all these ingredients together ground
until smooth.
How to use: applied / rubbed on the body
the itching.
6. Diarrhea
Ingredients: 4 - 6 pieces of betel leaves, seeds 6 pepper, 1 tablespoon oil
How to make: all these ingredients together ground
until smooth.
How to use: rub on the tummy.
7. Stop bleeding gums
Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle, repeat
on a regular basis until healed.
8. Stop the bleeding nose (mimisen = Java)
Ingredients: 1 sheet of betel leaf.
Method: betel leaf rolled with a little push-button
so get out the oil.
How to use: used to obstruct the nasal
bleeding / mimisen.
9. Cavities pain
a. Ingredients: 1 sheet of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle,
repeated regularly until healed.
b. Ingredients: 2 pieces of crushed betel leaf, 0.5 teaspoon salt
How to make: brewed with 1 cup hot water, stirring until
soluble salt, allow to cool
How to use: used to rinse his mouth.
10. Bronchitis
Ingredients: 7 pieces of betel leaves and 1 piece of rock candy.
Method: shredded betel leaves, then boiled with sugar
stone with 2 cups water to boil down to 1 cup,
and filtered
How to use: drink 3 times daily 3 tablespoons
11. Coughing
a. Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle, repeat
on a regular basis until healed.
b. Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle, repeat
on a regular basis until healed.
c. Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf, 3 leaves Widoro policeman and
honey to taste.
Method: betel leaves sliced, then boiled with
Widoro leaves with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle, repeat
on a regular basis until healed.
d. Ingredients: 4 pieces of betel leaf.
Method: boiled with 2 cups water to boiling
How to use: after a cold used to gargle, repeat
on a regular basis until healed.
12. Pain Eye
Ingredients: 2 - 3 glue
Betel leaves contain various chemical compounds needed to make traditional medicine
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:24 AM 0 komentar
(Psidium guajava, Linn.)
Guava (Psidium guajava) widely spread to Southeast Asia including Indonesia, to South Asia, India and Sri Lanka. Including guava shrubs and has many branches and twigs; hard trunk. Outer skin surface guava tree is brown and smooth. If the bark of the guava is exfoliated, will look wet surface of the wood sticks. Generally leaves form an oval patterned with a rather large size. Small flowers are white and appear from behind the armpit leaves. These plants can thrive in the lowlands to the height of 1200 meters above sea level. At the age of 2-3 years had begun guava fruit. And there are many seeds in the fruit flesh.
Local Name:
Psidium guajava (UK / Netherlands), Guava (Indonesia); guavas, Bayawas, tetokal, Tokal (Java); guavas, Jambu Batu (Sunda), Cashew Bender (Madura);
Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, Maag, Diarrhea (abdominal pain), Cold, Beser; Prolapsisani, Sprue, Skin Hospital, a new wound;
1. Diabetes Mellitus
Ingredients: 1 piece of half-ripe guava
Method: guava fruit is split into four parts and
boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered to
water taken.
How to use: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon
2. Maag
Ingredients: 8 pieces of guava leaves are still fresh.
Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 3 times a day, morning, afternoon and evening.
3. Abdominal pain (diarrhea and diarrhea)
Ingredients: 5 pieces of guava leaf, 1 piece of root, bark and stem
Method: boiled with 1.5 liters of water to boiling and then
water is filtered to be taken
How to use: drink 2 times a day morning and afternoon.
4. Stomach pain or diarrhea in infants who are breast-feeding
Ingredients: guava young and salt to taste.
How to use: chewed by mothers who are breastfeeding,
the water is swallowed and the pulp removed.
5. Masuk Angin
Ingredients: 10 pieces of guava leaves the young, 1 point chili
red, 3 eye fruit acids, 1 slice of coconut sugar, salt to taste
Method: boil all these ingredients together with 1 liter
water to boiling and then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 2 times a day.
6. Beser (frequent urination) excessive
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves the young, 3 tablespoons of powdered
fried rice with no oil (couple = Java).
How to make: the ingredients are boiled together with 2.5
glass of water to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
How to use: drink every 3 hours 3 tablespoons.
7. Prolapsisani
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 slice of guava bark.
How to make: braised together with 2 cups water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: water mixture is still warm in a state of
used to compress the axis of the intestine mucous membrane (navel) in
8. Sprue
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves, 1 slice of guava bark.
How to make: braised together with 2 cups water to boiling,
then filtered to take water.
How to use: drink 2 times a day.
9. Skin Pain
Ingredients: 1 handful of guava leaves the young, bud 7
How to make: mashed together until smooth
How to use: to rub the sore skin.
10. Drug new wounds
Ingredients: 3 guava leaf.
How to make: chew until smooth
How to use: placed on the injured body part to
mengelurkan not blood continuously.
CHEMICAL KANDUNGAN: Fruit, leaves and tree bark contains tannins guava, was in a lot of interest not contain tannins. Guava leaves also contain substances other than tannins, such as essential oils, acid ursolat, psidiolat acid, kratogolat acid, acid oleanolat, guajaverin acids and vitamins. Content of guava fruit (100 gr) - Calories 49 cal - Vitamin A 25 SI - 0.02 mg Vitamin B1 - Vitamin C 87 mg - 14 mg Calcium - 12.2 grams of carbohydrate - 28 mg Phosphorus - 1.1 mg Iron - Protein 0.9 mg - 0.3 grams Fat - 86 grams Water
Diposkan oleh Ariyawan di 9:20 AM 0 komentar
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= E officinale, All. = Anethum Foeniculum, Linn.
Apiaccae (Umbelliferae)
Fennel is one of the herbs sernbilan considered berrnukjizat in Anglo-Saxon. In Indonesia have been cultivated and sometimes as tanarnan spices or herbs. Turnbuhan can live from the plains to a height of 1800 m above sea level, but will grow better in the high plains. Originally from southern Europe and Asia, and because the benefits and widely planted in Indonesia, India, Argentina, Europe, and Japan. Herbaceous plant long-lived, high 50 cm - 2 m, merumpun grow. A family usually consists of 3 to 5 bar. Trunk bluish green, grooved, beruas, holes, smells fragrant when bruised. Location of the leaf turns, multiple pinnate, two with double fins narrow, needle shape, a pointed tip and base, the edge of the flat, white berseludang, seludang webbed with a hat-shaped top. Perbungaan structured as an umbrella flower compound with 6 to 40 pedicle, peduncle length of the mother from 5 to 1 0 em, long-term 'ang peduncle 2 to 5 mm, yellow crown, out of the end of the rod. Fruit oval, ribbed, long, 6 to 10 mm, width 3 - 4 mm, a young dark brown green after a bit of green or yellow to brown slightly brown completely. However, this fruit colors vary depending on country of origin. Ripe fruit has a distinctive aromatic smell, when tasted like it was relatively kamfer. Fennel and fennel oil yield, which is a distillation of basil and fennel pollen is ripe fruit and dried. There are two kinds of fennel oil, sweet and bitter. Both are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Fennel is also used for seasoning, or used as a repair material sense (corrigentia saporis) and scent medicine. Normally fennel is used in conjunction with pulosari bark. The leaves can be eaten as a vegetable. Propagation by seed or by separating the child plant.
Local Name:
Hades (Sunda), fennel, fennel londa, fennel Landi (Java),; Adhas (Madura), fennel (Bali), wala wunga (Sumba).; Das spicy (Aceh), fennel, fennel (wilt).; Adeh , manih (Minangkabau). paapang, paampas (Manado).; Popoas (Alfuru), denggu-denggu (Gorontalo),; Papaato (Buol), porotomo (Baree). kumpasi (Sangir Talaud).; Adasa, rempasu (Makasar), adase (Bugis).; Hsiao hui (China), Phong karee, mellet karee (Thailand),; Jintan Manis (Malaysia). barisaunf, madhurika (Ind. / Pak.).; Fennel, commaon fennel, sweet fennel, fenkel, spigel (I).;
Curable Disease:
Abdominal pain (heartburn), abdominal bloating, nausea, vomiting, breast milk slightly,; diarrhea, jaundice (jaundice), loss of appetite, coughing,; Shortness of breath (asthma), menstrual pain, menstrual not tertur, rheumatism goat,; hard sleep (insomnia), testicle descended (orchidoptosis), colic,; intestine down to the groin (inguinal hernia), gall stones,; Swelling sperm channels (epididymis),; Landfill fluid in the scrotal sac (hiodrokel testes),; Poisoning medicinal plants or fungi, improving vision;
Ripe fruit (Xiaohuixiang, hui-Hsiang). Ripe fruit that has been collected, then dried in the sun to dry.
Fruit useful to overcome:
- Abdominal pain (heartburn), abdominal bloating, feeling full in the stomach, nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea,
- Jaundice (jaundice), loss of appetite,
- Cough with phlegm, shortness of breath (asthma),
- Menstruation: menstrual pain, irregular menstruation,
- Breast milk (milk) some,
- Egg white in the urine (proteinuria),
- Difficulty sleeping (insomnia),
- Testicle descended (orchidoptosis),
- Intestine down to the groin (inguinal hernia),
- Swelling of the sperm channels (epididymis),
- Accumulation of fluid in the scrotal sac (hydrocele testis),
- Reduce the pain of the stone and help destroy it,
- Rheumatic gout, and
- Poisoning medicinal plants or fungi.
Leaf efficacious overcome:
- Cough,
- Flatulence, koilk,
- Thirst, and
- Improve vision.
Fennel fruit as much as 3 to 9 g of boiled, drinking or finely ground fennel fruit, and is brewed with boiling water to drink while warm. Leaves eaten as a vegetable or boiled and then drunk.
External use, finely ground dried fruit and then used for local consumption at the canker sores, toothache, ear pain and injury.
Fennel oil can also be used to rub the child's body into the wind.
1. Coughing
a. Prepare the fruit of fennel pollen as much as 5 g disedub with 1 / 2
cups boiling water. After chilling filtered, add 1 tablespoon
honey tea. Stir until evenly distributed, drink once. Perform 2 times
a day until healed.
b. Prepare the sage leaves 1 / 4 cell, hibiscus flowers 2
bud, leaf poko 1 / 5 handheld, flower bud tembelekan 10,
red onion 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon fennel, pulosari 1 finger, rhizome
1 finger ginger, brown sugar 3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces
necessary. Boiled with 3 clean water glass until remaining
half. After chilling filtered, then drunk. Do it 3 times
day, each 1 / 2 cup.
2. Shortness of breath
a. Take oil as much as 10 drops of fennel with 1 tablespoon brewed
eat hot water. Drink while warm. Do it 3 times a day,
until healed.
b. Prepare the fennel 1 / 2 teaspoon, ¼ pulosari fingers, rirnpang galingale 2
finger, 1 finger rirnpang ginger, black cumin teaspoon 114, leaves
poncosudo (Jasminum pubescens) 1 / 4 cell, brown sugar
3 fingers, washed and cut into pieces as needed. Baban, this material
then boiled with 4 1 / 2 cup water until the remaining approximately
half. After chilling filtered, and ready to drink.
3 times a day, each 3 / 4 cup.
3. Sprue
Prepare the fennel 3 / 4 teaspoon, coriander 3 / 4 teaspoon, leaves slobber
1 / 5 cell, sage leaves 1 / 4 cell, dragon scales, 1 / 5 cell,
Sembung leaves 1 / 4 handheld, Centella asiatica 1 / 4 handheld, leaves fart
1 / 6 cell, pulosari 3 / 4 fingers, fragrant rhizome lempuyang 1 / 2 finger,
½ finger turmeric rhizome, cinnamon ¾ finger, 3 finger brown sugar, washed
and cut into pieces as needed. The material was then boiled
with 4 1 / 2 cup water until the remaining half. After
cold filtered, ready to drink. 3 times a day, every time a
3 / 4 cup.
4. Menstrual irregularities
Prepare the leaves and flowers each Srigading masing.1 / 5 handheld,
black cumin 3 / 4 teaspoon fennel 1 / 2 teaspoon, pulosari 1 / 2 finger,
2 rivet crimson flower petals, 2 pieces of lime, sugar cube
for chicken eggs, washed and cut into pieces as needed.
The material was then braised with 3 clean water glass until
remaining 2 1 / 4 cup. After chilling filtered, minurn 3 times a day,
each 3 / 4 cup. Poisoning medicinal plants or fungi
Prepare the fruit of fennel pollen as much as 5 g, and brewed with
half a cup of wine. Drink while warm.
5. Gallstones
Fennel fruit powder as much as 5 g of brewed with 1 cup water
heat. Min
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